I spent some time the other day at a wooded trail with my friend Katie. We sat down in an open area by a big tree after walking for a while. There we took out our Bibles and journals and spent some time with God. Below is a passage from my journal that day...
It is so beautiful here, God. I love it. Thank you for such a wonderful gift to such undeserving people. We walked around for a bit, loved it, and now we are sitting by a big tree, on a log, having God time. When I look in front of me it is so pretty. I see a cute little path with green grass and tall tress on either side of it. Past that I can see the beginning of a bridge leading to the other side of the water. Above is the beautiful sky, so blue, with just a few soft clouds. The sun is shining down and I can't help but feel happy when I look ahead. Sounds wonderful, peaceful, happy, and great doesn't it? Yes, it does. And then I look beside me, where a foot away is the huge tree we are sitting under. Right now I am so close that I can see it's grooves, where people have carved in it, spider webs, dirt and dead leaves around it. In my mind it would seem most pleasant if I were to get up and walk away from this big tree. But then I take my eyes, and move them up the tree. When this happens, my mind is no longer focusing on the dirty, not so appealing parts of the tree anymore. But rather, on the huge and awesomeness of the tree. How my eyes can hardly wrap around it and I love that. How it continues to go up in greatness, beauty, and awe. I tip my head back and through the branches see the blue of the sky, which before I could only see while looking in front of me. The rays from the sun make me squint and smile and though it's hard to look at I find myself not wanting to look away. I have now realized that where I am at is indeed beautiful. And maybe instead of just looking directly at the bark in front of me (not finding myself so fond), I need to look up, look around, and try to take it all in because I truly am in a beautiful place right now. I only needed to look at the whole picture. I thank you God for helping me to realize that I really am in a great place right now. I need to take it in and enjoy it, not only focusing on the place I will end up next, because there too, I will see the grooves, dirt, and spider webs on the trees, and instead of enjoying being there, will only be looking ahead to the next location I will be coming to, never enjoying the here and now that is beautiful through Your eyes.

Hakuna Matata