Tuesday, December 21, 2010

One Week

Okay team...well here I go posting the second post of the month!  Way to go Sarah. NOT.  And I think I might just be real original again and do a pretty simple update blog.  In my defense I don't have much time and have barely had internet access this entire month!  Yeah, that's a good reason.  Okay, here I go...

-I successfully have taken two buses and a sleeper train and made my way 10 hours north east to Tamil Nadu's capital, Chennai.  I am here visiting my friend, Joshua.  He was an exchange student in my home town last year and now it's his turn to host an American.  The only bummer is he has exams this week (fyi, Indian exams compared to American exams are like comparing...okay after sitting here for a few minutes trying to find something nonviolent to compare it to, I can't...so we'll just say they are like gosh darn stinkin' crazy!).  His last exam is tomorrow so after that we will have the rest of the day and the day Thursday to hang out...great!  I'm looking forward to it.  While I have been here in Chennai his mother (who is super kind and great) has been showing me around and taking me to the important places...you know, churches and malls.  Seriously, we have gone to probably 6 different churches and 4 malls/shopping centers.  Dang girl!  It's been fun though.

-I am now short 3 wisdom teeth and praising Jesus about how well it went.  Seriously, the cost was somewhere around $1000 cheaper than it would have been in the U.S.!  C'mon America!  You are killing me!  Anyways, no complaining here because I didn't have to pay that much.  They dentists were really really great, the surgery went super fast, and they told me they even prayed for me the morning of the surgery!  Woo-hoo!  Thanks guys, two thumbs up!

-Right now I am visiting the Oasis ministry in Chennai.  I got to come and see the office and then spend the rest of the afternoon with the girls in their program who have learned how to sew their own clothes.  Wow, I honestly cannot tell you just how delightful these girls are.  I am so sad I cannot spend more time with them here.  We talked for a little while about our families and such, then we played a few games (I guess all those youth group games can be put to good use after all), after that they went back to their work and to finish we danced and took loads of pictures.  I don't have my laptop right now or I would upload them...I will try to do so later.  But really, they were great.

-Ummm I leave in t minus ONE WEEK!  Did I just type that?  I have never felt the way I do right now about leaving a country/mission field.  Maybe I'll try explaining more in depth another time...even then I don't know if it's possible.

-I have henna on my hands!  Love it!  On my right hand it's Rajistan (an area in India I'm told), and the left it's Arabic.  Again, pictures later.

-I'm going to Bible school in January!  Have I told you yet?  Well there ya go!  And yes, I am stinkin' excited.  New Tribes Bible Institute.

-Christmas is soon...like 4 days away.  woo-hoo!

-Aaannnnnnddddd I'm out of this to say.

Love Ya'll!

As they like to say here in India, "Have a Happy Christmas!"


  1. Way to go Ms. Sarah!
    Glad your surgery went well and yay for Bible College! can't wait to hear more.

  2. Sounds like lots has happened!

    Safe travels! :)
