Friday, February 26, 2010


I took this picture at one of the Maasi schools we visited. When we first arrived and started walking towards the students to say, "Hello," they all backed away when they thought we got to close. Some of them even screamed (a sort of giggling scream) and ran in the other direction or behind some of their classmates in order to get away from us. All we could do is walk cautiously and soft towards them, trying to let them know we just wanted to say hi. When I got semi close to a big group of boys I started introducing myself in Swahili. One of the older boys then told me, "They are afraid of you." "Why is that?" "Because you are white." (a little racist huh?) So I kept moving forward and stuck out my arm for them to see my whiteness. They started giggling and that's when I flipped my arm over for them to see the side that never meets the sun. Oh my they loved that! They all busted up laughing and came running towards me. They were petting and comparing our arms and just having so much fun with this foreigner. I loved it so much. It was like they now accepted me.
The first picture is us all comparing our arm colors. And the picture directly above is showing their acceptance of me =) I love and miss being in the middle of a crowd of Kenyans. It was such a joy that I can only describe as unexplainable.

Hakuna Matata

Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Question From God


Am I enough for you?


Sadly, this question is sometimes difficult to answer. At times my flesh thinks I need more. Those are the times that I need to really cling to Jesus Christ. Because he is enough for me. He is more than enough for me. And it truly is the best when I come to the point where I really can answer, "Yes."

Hakuna Matata

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The "Suckiest" Blog Post Ever

In my daily talk I refrain from using the word, "suck," but after you read this, I'm sure you'll understand just why this post is so "suckie."

For ministry on Wednesdays I got a chance to work in the Kijabe Dental Clinic. I so enjoyed this and really tried to capture it all in my mind because I knew I would not get such a hand's on experience here in the U.S. I got to help with extractions, cleanings, cavity fillings, and whatever else was needed. In the picture below I was helping Dr. Rich fill a cavity of another American man. My job at this point was to man the spit sucker and, well...suck the spit. All was well until I saw his mouth was getting a little dry. So naturally, I took the spit sucker out, and just held on to it. Now, I'm not really sure why, maybe I was focusing on trying to take in the experience a little to much, but you see that man's nicely combed, gray hair?...I
I was so embarrassed, but thought maybe neither of them noticed, so I kept my cool, and continued on with my job. Again, everything was going great, I think I even forgot about my spit sucking mishap. But then again, maybe I shouldn't have forgotten, because I did it AGAIN! Yes, I sucked up the nice man's hair TWICE with the spit sucker! And to make matters even worse (if possible), I tried to quickly apologize and said, "Pole," which is the Swahili word for, "sorry." Not usually a problem when you are in Kenya, but it is a little awkward when you say it in a room with two other Americans who don't speak much Swahili. I seriously just wanted to run out of the room and not come back...mainly because I wanted to laugh so badly but had to hold it in.

So yes, this is my "suckiest" blog post ever! Agree?
Well if not, I've got one thing to say to you,

Hakuna Matata

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

I've Got a Secret

Lately I have been thinking and praying, more than often, about the people/country God will one day send me to. Last week I kept asking Him to give me an enormous, deep love for a specific people group (i.e. Cambodians, Kenyans, Muslims, etc.). A love that will be undeniable, a love that keeps me thinking about them throughout the day, and dreaming about them at night. I was praying for this a lot, and still don't think it's a bad idea, but Sunday afternoon I heard something that really got me thinking.

"Do you want to go the Philippines (or whatever country), because you love the people, Or because God told you to?"

I had never thought about it in this way but I really like it. I don't want to go somewhere because I love the people, but because my Savior has told me to. There are SO many different people groups out there that I could love, but God has a specific group he wants me to reach (maybe even more than one), and I want to go THERE! Plus, I am sure that whatever group of people God sends me to, I will, sooner or later, fall in love with them.

It's the same as if I loved a man. I believe there are lots of guys out there that I could love, be happy with, and even marry. But I also believe that if God is planning for me to be married at all someday, He has the perfect man already chosen for me, and I want HIM! I don't want to settle, even if it could be a great relationship. God has my best interest at mind, so why not trust in Him?

With this I am reminded of another quote from K.P. Yohannaman's book, "Revelations in World Missions."

"The secret to following God's will is rejecting the good for God's best."

All in all, I want to be where I am because my Lord and Father has brought me there. I want to do what I am doing because my Savior has planned it since the beginning of time. And I want to reach the people that Jesus, himself, has chosen for me.
I want and desire His will for my life above all else, and I pray that this will never leave, but only increase.

Hakuna Matata

Monday, February 22, 2010

Be a Follower Not a Lacker

I bought the book, "My Utmost for His Highest," today, and would like to share a passage that continues to come up in my life lately.

From August 17
Are you Discouraged or Devoted?
...Jesus...said to him,"You still lack one thing. Sell all that you have...and come, follow Me." But when he heard this, he became very sorrowful, for he was very rich.
LUKE 18:22-23

Have you ever heard the Master say something very difficult to you? If you haven't, I question whether you have ever heard Him say anything at all. Jesus says a tremendous amount to us that we listen to, but do not actually hear. And once we do hear Him, His words are harsh and unyielding.
Jesus did not show the least concern that this rich young ruler should do what He told him, nor did Jesus make any attempt to keep this man with Him. He simply said to him, "Sell all that you have...and come, follow Me." Our Lord never pleaded with him; He never tried to lure him - He simply spoke the strictest words that human ears have ever heard, and then left him alone.
Have I ever heard Jesus say something difficult and unyielding to me? Has He said something personally to me to which I have deliberately listened - not something I can explain for the sake of others, but something I have heard Him say directly to me? This man understood what Jesus said. He heard it clearly, realizing the full impact of its meaning, and it broke his heart. He did not go away as a defiant person, but as one who was sorrowful and discouraged. He had come to Jesus on fire with zeal and determination, but the words of Jesus simply froze him. Instead of producing enthusiastic devotion to Jesus, they produced heartbreaking discouragement. And Jesus did not go after him, but let him go. Our Lord knows perfectly well that once His words is truly heard, it will bear fruit sooner or later. What is so terrible is that some of us prevent His words from bearing fruit in our present life. I wonder what we will say when we finally make up our minds to be devoted to Him on that particular point? One thing is certain - He will never throw our past failures back in our faces.

"My Utmost for His Highest"
Oswald Chambers
Edited by James Reimann

Saturday, February 20, 2010

This Is What I Want

I have been talking to my friends a lot lately about doing great things for our Lord. We talk about people such as Amy Carmichael, Hudson Taylor, Jim & Elisabeth Elliot, and so many more who have done such wonderful, selfless things for Christ and His Kingdom. But think about it, those are just the ones whose names have made it out there. I'm sure there are SO many more people who have done crazy, life surrendering acts for Jesus, but their names are unknown. That last little bit does not change what they did or how devoted they were to Christ at all. It really makes me think about how they truly were doing it for God and to glorify Him and not to magnify their own names. How not of this world?! I love it!
Now with that I am in no way saying those who are remembered by name were doing it for themselves, I also believe that those like the above names listed were out there to bring glory to our Father and for some reason their names became known and with that I am thankful. I am thankful because now I have some specific people I can look up to and say, "I want a life like that."
With all of this I came to a conclusion...

I don't want to live to be remembered,
But I want to live like those who are remembered.

Hakuna Matata

Thursday, February 18, 2010

"Once Upon A Time..."


"Long, long, ago..."

still nothing

"In a land far, far, away..."

there it is, it's music to my ears...

What is this beautiful sound you may find yourself asking?

Why it's nothing short of my sweet niece Alaina peeing in the potty.

Yes, as soon as her tush hits the seat, we hear,
"Tell me a story."

Usually I go in the above format you just read.

I start with,
"Once upon a time..."
if there is nothing I move to,
"Long, long, ago..."
still nothing?
"In a land far, far, away."

There must be magic in those words because it works just about every time.

Since I have moved in and taken the nanny roll,
she is no longer in search of a typical, "princess get's saved by knight on horse," kind of story. No sir, instead I hear,
"Tell me an African story."

I think this really is helping my creative mind, you know, coming up with a couple of interesting, potty pleasing stories each day, I should say thank you to the little dear for keeping my imagination going.

Maybe some day I will, but for now I'll keep it at,
"And they lived happily ever after.

(Kai & Alaina all dressed up in their presents I brought them from Kenya the night I came home)

Hakuna Matata

Tuesday, February 16, 2010

Are You Ready to Order?

"And what could I get for you today Ma'am?"

"Um...let's see. I will take one nice, big, juicy slice of Jesus, please."

"Oh, I'm sorry Miss, but Jesus doesn't come in slices here. So it's going to have to be all or nothing."

"Oh really? I wasn't expecting that."

"Yeah, a lot of people are surprised when I say that."

"I know I was. This makes it a tough decision now."

"Well, just let me know when you are ready to order, I'll be here."

Are you ready to place your order
with Jesus?
Because He's waiting for you...all, or nothing, what's it going to be?

Matthew 16:24
"Then Jesus said to his disciples, 'If anyone would come after me, he must deny himself and take up his cross and follow me.'"

Monday, February 15, 2010

A Day Late & 5 Feet Short

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.
Mark 12:30


Hakuna Matata

Saturday, February 13, 2010

Who Am I?

This post is almost an argument against why to go without Bible training. Why to pick up, leave everything & everyone you know, love, and are accustomed to, and go to the ends of the earth for our dear Savior. When reading this I ask you to remember that this is not for everyone, as I will state, this is more specific to myself, and maybe a select few, rather than the wide range of missionaries out there. And even as I say this is more directed to myself, that does not mean my decision is made, this is what is going to happen, it's just, God is making me think, and that is always a good thing.

[Why go, without Bible training?]

While I do believe Bible training is good & would help a person in not only their future missions, but also in their walk with Christ, I have to ask myself some questions directed at me specifically because I have felt a tug on my heart about this subject. Who am I to gain more knowledge of the God I already know and have a relationship with, so that I can have a better understanding of His Word? Who am I to put my level of knowledge and achievement above those perishing without the hope of eternal life, those living in vein, or even more specifically to my calling, those trapped living in slavery? Who am I to say to the child sex slaves and soldiers, "Just hold on, in a couple of years, I will have an understanding of the Bible that will blow you away! You will literally want to thank me for making you wait 3-5 years while you are hurting, being tortured, broken, and looked down upon as either garbage or someone else's property? And really, our understanding of the Bible is something that, I believe, will never cease to grow, so why should I focus and dwell on just how much I know of God's Word, when there is always more knowledge and insight to obtain? And, who am I, to be living this self filled life until I am "fully prepared" to "go into all the world," as my Lord has commanded me to (Mark 16:15)? And seriously, what does fully prepared even mean? Am I really ever going to be "fully prepared"? Then what am I waiting for? Did He not say, "Go"? I believe that was His word. Not, "Wait, let the children suffer a bit longer while you sit in an air conditioned classroom, sipping coffee, and studying my Word so you may offer them a bit more. Then, and only then, is your time to go." No, but I also believe the word, "go," to hold a different time, place, and people group for everyone. I believe that for some it means, "Go to Bible school, then to said location." And others, "Go. Become a doctor, and then to the slums of the earth to help the least of these." And quite possibly, for myself, "Go. Go now, to the dying, suffering, sinning world, who is perishing without the hope of one day meeting their Creator, and without the love that only I can give to a broken child."

I also believe Christ to the be greatest teacher of all. So why then must I spend time and money being taught by people of the earth? Why can I not trust in my Savior to teach me all I will ever need to know? Now, I am not putting teachers down, for perhaps this is God's will for their life; their mission work. And for those who do go to school before leaving to a new mission field, these teachers are much needed and appreciated. But remember, I am asking these questions not of other Christians, but of myself due to the tug on my heart that I believe was placed there by God. So again, why can I not trust in my Savior to teach me all I will ever need to know? Why must I rely on Bible schools and discipleship trainings to help me gain a level of understanding in which would "best" help me to be Jesus to the world? I believe that if I give and devote myself to Him like I should, putting in time, effort, and heart, He can teach the same, or even more to me than any Bible school ever could.
Ultimately, I believe that God has a plan for each one of us, for each one of His children. And I believe each of our paths to be different. If we all did the same thing, all followed the same road, it would be then, that the work of missions, might start to tremble, and maybe fall. For how can I go, if the missionary made to send me, has left due to following his or her own plans and desires? And how can the sender do his or her own job, when the missionary meant to go, because of comfort, has instead decided to stay? I believe God to have a specific plan for all of us...senders, goers, doctors, teachers, and everyone in between. Psalm 139:16 says, "All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." And I also believe that whatever the calling in our lives, in my life specifically, is one the would be a mistake not to answer, no matter the cost, what we must give up, or leave behind. If in fact, God is calling me to go, and to allow Him to be my only teacher, then I must obey Him.
I believe, I would be a fool not to.

Friday, February 12, 2010


I just read Transformed From Glory to Glory's blog and wow, I am glad I did.

She posted some quotes from Amy Carmichael's book, "If-What Do I Know of Calvary Love?"

They were all great but one specifically really cut to my core.

"If, I covet any place on earth but the dust at the foot of the cross, then I know nothing of Calvary Love."

Wow, I sit at my computer desk with no words left except,
"I am sorry, God."

Thursday, February 11, 2010

Go Ahead & Pet 'Er, She Doesn't Bite

Yes, one of my favorite things about the little kids in Kenya, they ALL would pet us. =)

You see, they do not have hair on their arms and legs as we "white" people seem to. Also their hair is not as soft so it's hard to play with.


In the picture above, they were so enjoying petting my head. When they pulled my hair apart and saw my scalp, they yelled, "WHITE! WHITE!" =) It was so cute!

I was glad they only played with my hair and pet me because they got excited and pulled out the boy's leg hair. =)

Here they also made me rings out of grass. See my pretty dressed up fingers?! Love it, love it, love it.

Hakuna Matata

Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Who Is "He," Anyways?

"Stop trusting in man, who has but a breath in his nostrils.
Of what account is he?"
Isaiah 2:22

Personally, this verse just blows me away.
I first took note of it during my first week in Kenya. While I knew it was a true, sweet verse, I had no idea what God was wanting to tell me specifically through it, although I knew there was something.

So for about a week or more, I would say this verse over and over again just trying to find out what God was wanting to tell me. I knew that it was saying we needed to put our trust in Christ and not other people, but at that time in my life that was not something troubling me. I wasn't really looking to others for answers that could only be found from searching God. So what was it?

Well, it finally hit me. It clearly was not my own mind understanding, but it was God speaking to me. He told me that it was not 'men' on this earth who I would look to for answers and to put my trust in, but rather, it was myself. I found out that it was I, I was the 'man' I was putting my trust and hope in for my future. I was barely turning to God for guidance, I was trying to find my own way, I was trying to make my own plans. I knew before that it was silly, but it was then when I really took on the challenge to not trust in myself, but to lean on God and find my way from Him.

Without a doubt, this is still a struggle I am dealing with, although it is getting easier. I am aware & have a huge desire and longing to give my life over to my Creator fully. I guess you could say I am in the process of giving Him the 'pen' to my story. But I know wholeheartedly that this is no mistake, this is how it was intended, and it is turning into a beautiful love story with me and my Bride-Groom. I love it and only hope to continue to give a little (or a lot) more to Him each day. Because after all, what did He die for? Oh yes,
my life.

Hakuna Matata

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good News

Let me ask you some questions...

When something exciting happens to you, you want to share that with others right?

Let's say you get engaged, pregnant, land a sweet job, win a trip to Europe, buy a new car, graduate college and so on. When this stuff happens, it's good news right?...and what do we do? we keep it to ourselves? Do we think nobody else would care about it? Do we think the people around us would look at us in disgust & choose to never speak to us again?

No. Not at all. And I guess the ones who would respond in a negative way probably have some inner battle going on, or maybe they really are jealous of what you have. But again, what do we do when this "good" stuff happens to us? We tell people. We share this news with everyone we meet on the street and in the grocery store. We make special phone calls and emails to those who have yet to hear.

But let's think about it for a sec. The things above are good things to happen to a person right? Of course! And it's going to be even better when we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven in our new sports car, flashing our diamond engagement ring, and having Moses, Paul, and Mary go "ga-ga" over all that we have acclaimed on this earth.

Okay, so obviously I was being sarcastic right there. The point is, it's NOT going to matter. Yes, it's true, those all are good, fun things to have. And to the person who just got a job promotion, congratulations, to the family who just bought a new house, I'm happy for you. These are not necessarily "bad" things, but my question is why do they seem to surpass the Good News of Jesus Christ, Lover of our souls, the One who SAVED us? The Good News that God has written down so that we can study, learn, know, & do as Christ would. So we know of His great love for us who are sinners.

The Word of God truly is the Good News.

I would like to challenge you all and myself to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ as if it were the worldly "good news" we share on a daily basis. Because really, this Good News is GOOD! And it is something that will last. It is, He is, everlasting.

Hakuna Matata

Monday, February 8, 2010

Some People Smoke Camels...I Ride Them

I felt quite confident at first...

and that's when the camel started to stand up...

but with the help of my teammates & the tribal people, I made it...

and so we started to travel...

I could even stop for a pose...

then I almost feel off...but I didn't =)

And now I am back in the states with a fun, African, camel riding story.

Hakuna Matata

Saturday, February 6, 2010

I Miss It

Oh how badly I wish I was in Kenya once again!

Hakuna Matata

Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Like Pulling Teeth

This is another post I wrote while in Kenya...

It's so hard to believe that we only have one more communication day after this..time is just flying. I am enjoying myself and the things God is teaching me so much and can't wait to bring them back to the states.
So on Wednesdays we usually work at the hospital, but yesterday I got to do something new, I got to work in the dental clinic. I have been interested in dental work for quite a few years, but have done nothing about it and had not expected to. For some reason thought I asked about their clinic and was able to work with them yesterday. Oh my goodness, I totally want to be working in a dental clinic someday. It was so much fun! I got to help clean and polish some guy's teeth, and I watched a tooth extraction. It was crazy. The girl I worked with (Naomi) introduced me as her assistant, Sarah. =) How fun! While Naomi was working to get that tooth out I kept thinking to myself, dang that much HURT! But then I kept reminding myself that the lady was numb on that side of her mouth. Something was there at the specific time to protect her from the pain she could be dealing with. Of course she still felt a small bit of pain, and she probably can feel it today, there is clearly a gap where her old tooth was and because of that gap she will always remember there was a tooth there and remember the pain she faced to get it out, but it doesn't hurt like it use to. It was something in her mouth that was bothering her and taking focus off of other things and if she would have done nothing about it, it would have only gotten worse, but now it was out and things are going to be fine. Thinking about all of that really just realates it to the Christian life. Sometimes we have things in our lives that can take our focus off of God, sometimes they are things that hurt pretty bad. Maybe we try to just deal with it and let it be, but truth be told, if we just leave it there it's only going to worse. But if we call on God to be our novocaine, to help us through things in our lives, He is going to help numb the pain. And not numb it in a way where we won't have to deal with it, but in a way where we can deal with it and get through the pain because God has made it less. We will still have the 'gap' when it's over, and we will not forget what happened, but I believe that's a good thing. I believe it's good to not forget, to move on, but know where we came from and what has shaped us in our past...what has made us who we are today. All in all, if we let God be our novocaine, things will work out, and pulling teeth won't be as excruciating as we all make it sound.

Hakuna Matata

Thursday, February 4, 2010


Well there are quite a few people from Kenya who do this often. How you ask?...They are on the other side of the world!

Tis true. Ahh but that blessed device we like to call the cellular has hit pretty much the ENTIRE WORLD! In fact, even while we were in the remote tribal villages, we saw a couple of Maasi's pull out a handy-dandy cell phone and start chatting it up. Weird I tell you.

But nevertheless, I love to talk with them for a couple of precious minutes.
I got a call today in fact.
And yesterday I had two!
Sometimes the call doesn't always make it through, but I love to listen to the voice mails that are left.

It is the best when I can tell there is an incoming call from Africa! And I feel quite important saying, "Oh I gotta take this one, it's Africa."

Like I said, it just makes my day.

Hakuna Matata

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Asanti Sana & Happy Birthday

"Asanti sana" means,
"Thank you very much," in Swahili.

I want to thank anyone who prayed for my sister.
Her surgery went well,
& everything is fine with her & the baby.
She is staying overnight
& her children will be so happy when she comes home tomorrow!

Moving on...
I would have said "Happy Birthday" in Swahili,
but when we asked the Kenyans how they said, "Happy Birthday,"
they looked at us, as in 'duh,' and said, "Happy Birthday!"
So maybe I really am saying it in Swahili?

Anyways, it is my dear ol' Dad's Birthday today!
This is the first Birthday of His that I have not bee there for and when I think about that it makes me quite sad. He has always been there for me. Through ALL my sports, being the coach for some of them, through school, some rough times, and some pretty good times too! I love him so much! When I was young I made him a Christmas ornament and on the back wrote, "Dad, you work so hard for me." That is SO true and still to this day. He is one to put others before himself, even if it is unpleasant for him. I could go on & on about how great he is and has been, but I might start to cry & we don't want that. =) I will just end with the famous back and forth argument each of us always try to win...
You're the best, Dad, and I love you MORE!


Hakuna Matata

At One O'Clock

My sissy is going into surgery today.
This will help her in her pregnancy to not go into labor too early.
I ask for your prayers as she is a little nervous and scared.
She has faith and trust in our Father though;
probably the best thing one can have!
She goes in at 1:00
& it's only suppose to be about 15 minutes.
I appreciate your support! =)

Hakuna Matata

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Thanksgiving in February

This was my blog post while in Africa, on Thanksgiving day!

Indeed, Happy Thanksgiving from Africa! I hope everyone is doing well and I am excited to be back in 13 days! It's weird. I definitely can explain this as bitter sweet. I mean this isn't just a mission trip's my life. I live here. I have friends here. It's definitely not what I thought was going to happen, this is not how I expected to feel...but I am thankful for EVERYTHING. It's been so much more wonderful and I am so thankful to our Father in Heaven. He is GOOD. He has been changing me and shaping me into the person He has planned. One of my dear friends said to me the other day, "You are who you are...but not who you will be." That stuck with me because it's so true. I am who I am, God made me Sarah. He made me who I am and He doesn't want me to sit here and wish I was someone else, or that I had a different life. He made me me, and He did it with knowledge and a plan. But at the very same time, this is just me now...this is not who He wants me to be tomorrow, or next week, or next year. His plan for me is for me to grow. To grow in Him, to grow in knowledge of Him, to grow in relationship with Him, to grow. He does not want me to be the same tomorrow as I am today because He wants so much for me and my life. He loves me and wants to see me being challenged and so much more. So very quickly..all in all I urge you to take that quote from my friend, and take it for your life. Because it's true, you are who you are, but not who you will be. Be who God is wanting you to be.


List, in pictures, of a few things I was thankful for in Kenya

My team

My class


The fact that it was spring time

New friendships

A bed for the last 6 weeks

Our time at the orphanage

Thanksgiving dinner

God's stunning sunrises

(those are just a few to name)

Hakuna Matata

Monday, February 1, 2010

What More Could She Ask For?

My sweet little niece, Addie, turned 4 last month.
Yesterday was her Birthday party.

ruffle skirt
chocolate milk
straw chopsticks
chocolate cupcakes
unicorn wishes
princess jewelry

Dang little girl, what more could you ask for?
I'm sure you could think of something...
maybe that unicorn ;)

love you Addie,
happy birthday dear!

Love Aunt Sarah

Thanks to Trisha, my sissy, who remembered to take these wonderful pictures of her daughter.

Hakuna Matata