Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Good News

Let me ask you some questions...

When something exciting happens to you, you want to share that with others right?

Let's say you get engaged, pregnant, land a sweet job, win a trip to Europe, buy a new car, graduate college and so on. When this stuff happens, it's good news right?...and what do we do?...do we keep it to ourselves? Do we think nobody else would care about it? Do we think the people around us would look at us in disgust & choose to never speak to us again?

No. Not at all. And I guess the ones who would respond in a negative way probably have some inner battle going on, or maybe they really are jealous of what you have. But again, what do we do when this "good" stuff happens to us? We tell people. We share this news with everyone we meet on the street and in the grocery store. We make special phone calls and emails to those who have yet to hear.

But let's think about it for a sec. The things above are good things to happen to a person right? Of course! And it's going to be even better when we enter into the Kingdom of Heaven in our new sports car, flashing our diamond engagement ring, and having Moses, Paul, and Mary go "ga-ga" over all that we have acclaimed on this earth.

Okay, so obviously I was being sarcastic right there. The point is, it's NOT going to matter. Yes, it's true, those all are good, fun things to have. And to the person who just got a job promotion, congratulations, to the family who just bought a new house, I'm happy for you. These are not necessarily "bad" things, but my question is why do they seem to surpass the Good News of Jesus Christ, Lover of our souls, the One who SAVED us? The Good News that God has written down so that we can study, learn, know, & do as Christ would. So we know of His great love for us who are sinners.

The Word of God truly is the Good News.

I would like to challenge you all and myself to spread the Good News of Jesus Christ as if it were the worldly "good news" we share on a daily basis. Because really, this Good News is GOOD! And it is something that will last. It is, He is, everlasting.

Hakuna Matata