Wednesday, February 24, 2010

The "Suckiest" Blog Post Ever

In my daily talk I refrain from using the word, "suck," but after you read this, I'm sure you'll understand just why this post is so "suckie."

For ministry on Wednesdays I got a chance to work in the Kijabe Dental Clinic. I so enjoyed this and really tried to capture it all in my mind because I knew I would not get such a hand's on experience here in the U.S. I got to help with extractions, cleanings, cavity fillings, and whatever else was needed. In the picture below I was helping Dr. Rich fill a cavity of another American man. My job at this point was to man the spit sucker and, well...suck the spit. All was well until I saw his mouth was getting a little dry. So naturally, I took the spit sucker out, and just held on to it. Now, I'm not really sure why, maybe I was focusing on trying to take in the experience a little to much, but you see that man's nicely combed, gray hair?...I
I was so embarrassed, but thought maybe neither of them noticed, so I kept my cool, and continued on with my job. Again, everything was going great, I think I even forgot about my spit sucking mishap. But then again, maybe I shouldn't have forgotten, because I did it AGAIN! Yes, I sucked up the nice man's hair TWICE with the spit sucker! And to make matters even worse (if possible), I tried to quickly apologize and said, "Pole," which is the Swahili word for, "sorry." Not usually a problem when you are in Kenya, but it is a little awkward when you say it in a room with two other Americans who don't speak much Swahili. I seriously just wanted to run out of the room and not come back...mainly because I wanted to laugh so badly but had to hold it in.

So yes, this is my "suckiest" blog post ever! Agree?
Well if not, I've got one thing to say to you,

Hakuna Matata

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