Okay team...well here I go posting the second post of the month! Way to go Sarah. NOT. And I think I might just be real original again and do a pretty simple update blog. In my defense I don't have much time and have barely had internet access this entire month! Yeah, that's a good reason. Okay, here I go...
-I successfully have taken two buses and a sleeper train and made my way 10 hours north east to Tamil Nadu's capital, Chennai. I am here visiting my friend, Joshua. He was an exchange student in my home town last year and now it's his turn to host an American. The only bummer is he has exams this week (fyi, Indian exams compared to American exams are like comparing...okay after sitting here for a few minutes trying to find something nonviolent to compare it to, I can't...so we'll just say they are like gosh darn stinkin' crazy!). His last exam is tomorrow so after that we will have the rest of the day and the day Thursday to hang out...great! I'm looking forward to it. While I have been here in Chennai his mother (who is super kind and great) has been showing me around and taking me to the important places...you know, churches and malls. Seriously, we have gone to probably 6 different churches and 4 malls/shopping centers. Dang girl! It's been fun though.
-I am now short 3 wisdom teeth and praising Jesus about how well it went. Seriously, the cost was somewhere around $1000 cheaper than it would have been in the U.S.! C'mon America! You are killing me! Anyways, no complaining here because I didn't have to pay that much. They dentists were really really great, the surgery went super fast, and they told me they even prayed for me the morning of the surgery! Woo-hoo! Thanks guys, two thumbs up!
-Right now I am visiting the Oasis ministry in Chennai. I got to come and see the office and then spend the rest of the afternoon with the girls in their program who have learned how to sew their own clothes. Wow, I honestly cannot tell you just how delightful these girls are. I am so sad I cannot spend more time with them here. We talked for a little while about our families and such, then we played a few games (I guess all those youth group games can be put to good use after all), after that they went back to their work and to finish we danced and took loads of pictures. I don't have my laptop right now or I would upload them...I will try to do so later. But really, they were great.
-Ummm I leave in t minus ONE WEEK! Did I just type that? I have never felt the way I do right now about leaving a country/mission field. Maybe I'll try explaining more in depth another time...even then I don't know if it's possible.
-I have henna on my hands! Love it! On my right hand it's Rajistan (an area in India I'm told), and the left it's Arabic. Again, pictures later.
-I'm going to Bible school in January! Have I told you yet? Well there ya go! And yes, I am stinkin' excited. New Tribes Bible Institute.
-Christmas is soon...like 4 days away. woo-hoo!
-Aaannnnnnddddd I'm out of this to say.
Love Ya'll!
As they like to say here in India, "Have a Happy Christmas!"
Tuesday, December 21, 2010
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Here's a quick update as I am babysitting in a house that has internet =)
-Three months ago today I left for India! Weird
-God totally helped me through a month of teaching the girls (mainly) by myself and I learned a lot in that month
-Christmas is in like 20 days!!!!
-We have started the process of getting internet at our house so hopefully I will be blogging more soon!
-It's super cold here...you would never guess I am in India
-I love the little coffee shop workers here...they are so kind and make little smiley faces on the top of my coffee =)
-I am loving the girls so much it's getting ridiculously nerve racking to think about leaving
-I am getting my wisdom teeth out (all four of them hopefully) this coming Saturday
-I have been listening to some new music and you also should listen to...Andrew Peterson. LOVE HIM! All of his stuff is great...especially his Christmas album! Go check it out!
-God has been showing me a lot through the story of Abraham and Sarah and Isaac...I shall blog about it when I have more time
-Go read Isaiah 43:1-2 and feel loved, because you are!
Love ya'll! Hope you're doing great =) Love from India!
Hakuna Matata
-Three months ago today I left for India! Weird
-God totally helped me through a month of teaching the girls (mainly) by myself and I learned a lot in that month
-Christmas is in like 20 days!!!!
-We have started the process of getting internet at our house so hopefully I will be blogging more soon!
-It's super cold here...you would never guess I am in India
-I love the little coffee shop workers here...they are so kind and make little smiley faces on the top of my coffee =)
-I am loving the girls so much it's getting ridiculously nerve racking to think about leaving
-I am getting my wisdom teeth out (all four of them hopefully) this coming Saturday
-I have been listening to some new music and you also should listen to...Andrew Peterson. LOVE HIM! All of his stuff is great...especially his Christmas album! Go check it out!
-God has been showing me a lot through the story of Abraham and Sarah and Isaac...I shall blog about it when I have more time
-Go read Isaiah 43:1-2 and feel loved, because you are!
Love ya'll! Hope you're doing great =) Love from India!
Hakuna Matata
Sunday, November 14, 2010
My Plan
God's plan was for me to come to India in September to work with rescued girls through Freedom Firm. All of the details of that first sentence were made very clear to me before I had taken off.
My plan was to stay for six months, but the more I have come before the Lord the more clear He has made it that His plans were different. Two nights ago I changed my plane ticket and I now will be leaving India at the end of December (just about two months earlier than the original date). This decision has taken a lot of prayer, thought, and advice seeking, but I have come to the point where I can honestly say I have heard His voice, and as far as I'm concerned He is calling me home.
It's been crazy, I feel like I was born to live overseas. Throughout my missions career I have never felt homesick, but have strongly felt a desire to settle in the land so my relationships and ministry could take on a deeper level. This decision is conflicting in the fact that it is difficult and easy at the same time. I find it difficult when I think of the judgment of man and how I think it will actually be harder to leave early than it would be to stay (for many reasons). But I find it so simple when I think about what I want my life to be used for (glorifying God) and who I am striving to seek and obey in this life (Jesus), no matter how difficult it may be.
I think of the story of Abraham in Genesis 22 when God asked Him to sacrifice His only son, Isaac. The next sentence after God tells Abraham to go to the place of sacrifice simply says this, "Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey." That is the kind of trust in God I want. I want Him to be able to tell me something, whether it is, "sacrifice your son," or "go home," and as soon as I hear his voice I want to "load up my donkey early in the morning," with no doubt in His guidance.
There are times I feel as if I could stay and it would be fine, I mean surely God would bless my time here right? I actually do believe that He would bless my time in India if I stayed the full six months, but to me that isn't the issue anymore. The issue is God told me to go home, and I want to respond to Him the best I can. I think of John 10:4 where it says, "...his sheep follow him because they know his voice." Again, I have heard His voice and I cannot deny what I know to be true in my heart.
Of course this doesn't all make sense. Why would God want me to go away from the mission field? Away from a place where so much help is needed? First I have to remember that wherever I am placed is my mission field, India, Michigan, and anywhere inbetween, I am a missionary. Second I think of Isaiah's words in chapter 55 verses 8 & 9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." This may be something I will never grow to understand, and I am okay with that just as long as I do understand that God is above me and He has my best interest in mind...even if I can't seem to understand it myself.
My plan now is to obey God, and as far as I am concerned in my heart and my mind, that is exactly what I am doing by flying home in December.
Hakuna Matata
My plan was to stay for six months, but the more I have come before the Lord the more clear He has made it that His plans were different. Two nights ago I changed my plane ticket and I now will be leaving India at the end of December (just about two months earlier than the original date). This decision has taken a lot of prayer, thought, and advice seeking, but I have come to the point where I can honestly say I have heard His voice, and as far as I'm concerned He is calling me home.
It's been crazy, I feel like I was born to live overseas. Throughout my missions career I have never felt homesick, but have strongly felt a desire to settle in the land so my relationships and ministry could take on a deeper level. This decision is conflicting in the fact that it is difficult and easy at the same time. I find it difficult when I think of the judgment of man and how I think it will actually be harder to leave early than it would be to stay (for many reasons). But I find it so simple when I think about what I want my life to be used for (glorifying God) and who I am striving to seek and obey in this life (Jesus), no matter how difficult it may be.
I think of the story of Abraham in Genesis 22 when God asked Him to sacrifice His only son, Isaac. The next sentence after God tells Abraham to go to the place of sacrifice simply says this, "Early the next morning Abraham got up and loaded his donkey." That is the kind of trust in God I want. I want Him to be able to tell me something, whether it is, "sacrifice your son," or "go home," and as soon as I hear his voice I want to "load up my donkey early in the morning," with no doubt in His guidance.
There are times I feel as if I could stay and it would be fine, I mean surely God would bless my time here right? I actually do believe that He would bless my time in India if I stayed the full six months, but to me that isn't the issue anymore. The issue is God told me to go home, and I want to respond to Him the best I can. I think of John 10:4 where it says, "...his sheep follow him because they know his voice." Again, I have heard His voice and I cannot deny what I know to be true in my heart.
Of course this doesn't all make sense. Why would God want me to go away from the mission field? Away from a place where so much help is needed? First I have to remember that wherever I am placed is my mission field, India, Michigan, and anywhere inbetween, I am a missionary. Second I think of Isaiah's words in chapter 55 verses 8 & 9, "For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways," declares the LORD. "As the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways and my thoughts than your thoughts." This may be something I will never grow to understand, and I am okay with that just as long as I do understand that God is above me and He has my best interest in mind...even if I can't seem to understand it myself.
My plan now is to obey God, and as far as I am concerned in my heart and my mind, that is exactly what I am doing by flying home in December.
Hakuna Matata
I'm Moving...AGAIN??
When I first arrived in Ooty I settled into my cute little room upstairs and everything was, well, cute. =) That is until I had a bat friend that liked to scare me at night. He actually has never came flying into my room but still, I am just not a fan of bats, even if it is just hearing them. So after a couple weeks I moved downstairs into Christanna's room and stuck it out even with the spider, beetle, and mouse. The day she left for the states I moved back upstairs into my first room because somebody else had "called" that room for a week. So, back in the first room despite the bat. I set it up with lots of pictures from home and Africa and that made it really nice.
Last week I heard that some volunteers who are here for a year bought a house and were welcoming other volunteers to come live with them. They are super nice and it would be a lot cheaper so I decided to jump on board. Now my room is all packed up once again and I am getting ready to head out tonight! This past week we had tried setting up a time for me to be able to go look at the house before I decided for sure if I wanted to move in or not but that never happened. Here's to, "going with the flow!"
Hakuna Matata
Here are some pictures since it's been awhile since I've posted some...
P.S. The new house does not have internet. I am going to try to get out to an internet cafe at least once a week to update but we'll see how well that goes.
Last week I heard that some volunteers who are here for a year bought a house and were welcoming other volunteers to come live with them. They are super nice and it would be a lot cheaper so I decided to jump on board. Now my room is all packed up once again and I am getting ready to head out tonight! This past week we had tried setting up a time for me to be able to go look at the house before I decided for sure if I wanted to move in or not but that never happened. Here's to, "going with the flow!"
Hakuna Matata
Here are some pictures since it's been awhile since I've posted some...
P.S. The new house does not have internet. I am going to try to get out to an internet cafe at least once a week to update but we'll see how well that goes.
Thankful 30 Four Times In A Row
Day 11: I am thankful for coffee shops. Today I left Smyerna (this is where the aftercare takes place) a little early and headed down town to a little coffee shop for some R&R. It was much needed and I enjoyed it so. I was happy when I walked in to see my favorite Barista worker, and caught off guard to see 4 other whiteys. I think it's safe to say I'm a "regular" now. Our conversation went like this,
"Hi Sir!" (big smiles)
"Hello Madam." (again, big smiles)
"How are you?"
"Yes, fine, fine. How are you?"
"I'm great, thank you. Okay, I would like one cafe latte, please."
"Are you sure you don't mean a cafe duette?"
*I pause and think for a second*
"Yes. Yes, that is exactly what I mean."
*laughter and more smiles*
I sure am glad he knows me better than I do. =) I sat in Barista for 2 hours writing in my journal and listening to the girl who sings "Barbie Girl," and then some good ol' fashion Christmas music. I am pretty sure they replayed "Jingle Bells" a good 3 or 4 times in a row.
Day 12: I am thankful for fellowship. Thursday we had a card and jewelry party at the guest house. There were cards and jewelry in one room on display, and coffee, tea, and cakes in the other room. Of course I started off in the room with food and coffee and oh my, everything was so delish. After some time I figured I should head over to the sales room and while I spent time in there it was just over taken by good fellowship (with the volunteers that were here, some staff, the community, and the Freedom Firm girls). When the party was over we had dinner with those who were at the party (minus the community) and a time of saying how thankful we were for the volunteers.
Day 13: I am thankful for Heaven. I honestly could probably go on for quite a long time on my reasons that I am thankful for Heaven. But right now I want to focus on one reason. I have met so many people throughout my life and I most likely will continue to do so. One thing that always makes the goodbyes even more sad is when we say, "Hmm, we might not ever see each other again." I was thinking about this a lot when I came back from Kenya and then a friend reminded me that for at least those who are believers, I will see again someday in Heaven. It totally changes things and I love that thought. I was thinking about this yesterday (day 13) as the volunteers were leaving. Some I may see again, or maybe I won't ever see any of them again, but one thing I can count on and look forward to is the day we will be reunited again in Heaven.
Day 14: I am thankful for lazy days. I have been going almost non-stop this past week and today I mark as my lazy day! Only two more weeks and I will finally have a day off other than Sunday!! Woo-hoo! =) *Just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin'* Seriously though, last night I was packing up my room (because I am moving today...more on that next post) and at the end even my toes were aching. This is not a lie, they really were! It was redic. All this to say, today is my lazy day and I am soakin' it up! =)
Hakuna Matata
"Hi Sir!" (big smiles)
"Hello Madam." (again, big smiles)
"How are you?"
"Yes, fine, fine. How are you?"
"I'm great, thank you. Okay, I would like one cafe latte, please."
"Are you sure you don't mean a cafe duette?"
*I pause and think for a second*
"Yes. Yes, that is exactly what I mean."
*laughter and more smiles*
I sure am glad he knows me better than I do. =) I sat in Barista for 2 hours writing in my journal and listening to the girl who sings "Barbie Girl," and then some good ol' fashion Christmas music. I am pretty sure they replayed "Jingle Bells" a good 3 or 4 times in a row.
Day 12: I am thankful for fellowship. Thursday we had a card and jewelry party at the guest house. There were cards and jewelry in one room on display, and coffee, tea, and cakes in the other room. Of course I started off in the room with food and coffee and oh my, everything was so delish. After some time I figured I should head over to the sales room and while I spent time in there it was just over taken by good fellowship (with the volunteers that were here, some staff, the community, and the Freedom Firm girls). When the party was over we had dinner with those who were at the party (minus the community) and a time of saying how thankful we were for the volunteers.
Day 13: I am thankful for Heaven. I honestly could probably go on for quite a long time on my reasons that I am thankful for Heaven. But right now I want to focus on one reason. I have met so many people throughout my life and I most likely will continue to do so. One thing that always makes the goodbyes even more sad is when we say, "Hmm, we might not ever see each other again." I was thinking about this a lot when I came back from Kenya and then a friend reminded me that for at least those who are believers, I will see again someday in Heaven. It totally changes things and I love that thought. I was thinking about this yesterday (day 13) as the volunteers were leaving. Some I may see again, or maybe I won't ever see any of them again, but one thing I can count on and look forward to is the day we will be reunited again in Heaven.
Day 14: I am thankful for lazy days. I have been going almost non-stop this past week and today I mark as my lazy day! Only two more weeks and I will finally have a day off other than Sunday!! Woo-hoo! =) *Just keep swimmin', just keep swimmin'* Seriously though, last night I was packing up my room (because I am moving today...more on that next post) and at the end even my toes were aching. This is not a lie, they really were! It was redic. All this to say, today is my lazy day and I am soakin' it up! =)
Hakuna Matata
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
I Am Tired
Things have been hard lately, I'll be honest. I am not sure I ever mentioned that this month (all of November) the main teacher is taking her holiday leave and I am stepping up as the teacher. At first I was like, "What the heck are you doing?" Then I was a little more okay with it, thankful that I had taken a teacher training course my senior year of high school and taught at numerous schools in Kenya. Then the night before I felt physically sick and cried as I feel asleep. Did I forget to mention that I am not the biggest fan of teaching? Well then, let that be noted. =)
The first week actually went pretty well other than the fact that I was spread real thin...trying to run a school, business, and baby sit at the same time is quite the challenge. But I made it only because Jesus was being the strength I needed.
I thought for sure that while the volunteers were here this second week it would give me a break and I could relax a little...but I was wrong. The team is great, helping out so so much, I am just loving it. But for some reason I am feeling more stressed and crying more tears with each passing day. I have felt cut down, belittled, and have been told I don't seem to relate well with the girls (all from someone I have only seen a handful of times). I keep telling Jesus I can't do it, and then I thank Him for not expecting me to, but for doing it through me.
I don't want this to be a complainy post, but I want to share my heart a little and not just pretend everything is 100% great all the time here. Also, I know that great things can happen through prayer and it's always great to know what to pray for more specifically.
I remember talking to another missionary a little while ago about blogging. We both said how it's kind of funny/annoying when we post stuff about the real life being upsetting or whatever because it's not 100% of the time that we feel that way, but the people reading it tend to think that's the case. I want you to know that it is not the case here. Jesus has blessed me in many many ways here. Although I have felt put down this week, the volunteers have been more than wonderful at lifting me up and encouraging me onward, as well as some of the staff and some other long term volunteers. And I have had such a blast hanging out with the volunteers this week! It has been some great, "get away," time. So again, I may be having a rough night and hit some tough times today, but that hasn't been the case all day so no need to get your panties all in a bunch on my behalf. =)
All this to say, I am thankful (day 10) for the promises given by Jesus. Promises stating that He has overcome the world (John 16:33), He is with me always (Matthew 28:20), He looks at my heart (1 Samuel 16:7), and so much more. Thank you, Jesus. Continue to remind me!
The first week actually went pretty well other than the fact that I was spread real thin...trying to run a school, business, and baby sit at the same time is quite the challenge. But I made it only because Jesus was being the strength I needed.
I thought for sure that while the volunteers were here this second week it would give me a break and I could relax a little...but I was wrong. The team is great, helping out so so much, I am just loving it. But for some reason I am feeling more stressed and crying more tears with each passing day. I have felt cut down, belittled, and have been told I don't seem to relate well with the girls (all from someone I have only seen a handful of times). I keep telling Jesus I can't do it, and then I thank Him for not expecting me to, but for doing it through me.
I don't want this to be a complainy post, but I want to share my heart a little and not just pretend everything is 100% great all the time here. Also, I know that great things can happen through prayer and it's always great to know what to pray for more specifically.
I remember talking to another missionary a little while ago about blogging. We both said how it's kind of funny/annoying when we post stuff about the real life being upsetting or whatever because it's not 100% of the time that we feel that way, but the people reading it tend to think that's the case. I want you to know that it is not the case here. Jesus has blessed me in many many ways here. Although I have felt put down this week, the volunteers have been more than wonderful at lifting me up and encouraging me onward, as well as some of the staff and some other long term volunteers. And I have had such a blast hanging out with the volunteers this week! It has been some great, "get away," time. So again, I may be having a rough night and hit some tough times today, but that hasn't been the case all day so no need to get your panties all in a bunch on my behalf. =)
All this to say, I am thankful (day 10) for the promises given by Jesus. Promises stating that He has overcome the world (John 16:33), He is with me always (Matthew 28:20), He looks at my heart (1 Samuel 16:7), and so much more. Thank you, Jesus. Continue to remind me!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
Day 8: I have been reeally wanting some sour patch kids for a few weeks now. I was skyping with my sister one day and saw my niece in the background eating some and boy, was my mouth a waterin'! Anyways, I said there was some new volunteers here for a week and we have been spending a lot of time together. Last night after dinner while we were just hanging around the restaurant still chatting Monique pulled out the last little bit of her sour patch kids. I really wasn't implying that I wanted her to give them to me (not all of them at least...of course I was going to ask for at least one!), but I made a comment something like, "SOUR PATCH KIDS?! I've been craving those for weeks!" Yeah, that definitely sounds like, "Give me your sour patch kids," in code. Well she surely understood the "code" language and kindly gave me the rest of them. I was sooo thankful and immediately knew this was my thankful 30 for the day! Go Monique and your kindness! Also, go sour patch kids and my secret "not so code" language.
Day 9: This was actually going to be my thankful 30 for yesterday but the sour patch kids kind of took over. Nonetheless I am still super thankful for God's beautiful creativity displayed through His mountains. Where I'm from in MI we don't have mountains. Sand dunes, yes. Mountains, no. I remember when I was in Kenya and saw so many mountains that when I closed my eyes to pray or go to bed I would just see mountains after mountains after mountains. It's like when you've been doing something all day like working on a puzzle or picking berries...at night when you close your eyes all you see is that image over and over again. It was truly wonderful. Well I praise my Father once again because He is kind enough to bless me with more mountains. We went for a drive down the mountain yesterday and Saturday and although it made me feel really sick with all the quick turns and fast driving, it was totally worth it because it was not only close up awesome, gorgeous mountains and cliffs, but the clouds were really low too which made for such an amazing picture God didn't have to give me, but wanted to. I decided to just try capturing the photo in my mind instead of on my camera (I knew the camera wouldn't do it justice anyways), so here is a picture from a while ago (father away than I was from the mountains) with the same idea.

Hmm...I just realized that I think I am over doing the thankful 30 journal, and am content with just an explanation and a picture =)
Hakuna Matata
Day 9: This was actually going to be my thankful 30 for yesterday but the sour patch kids kind of took over. Nonetheless I am still super thankful for God's beautiful creativity displayed through His mountains. Where I'm from in MI we don't have mountains. Sand dunes, yes. Mountains, no. I remember when I was in Kenya and saw so many mountains that when I closed my eyes to pray or go to bed I would just see mountains after mountains after mountains. It's like when you've been doing something all day like working on a puzzle or picking berries...at night when you close your eyes all you see is that image over and over again. It was truly wonderful. Well I praise my Father once again because He is kind enough to bless me with more mountains. We went for a drive down the mountain yesterday and Saturday and although it made me feel really sick with all the quick turns and fast driving, it was totally worth it because it was not only close up awesome, gorgeous mountains and cliffs, but the clouds were really low too which made for such an amazing picture God didn't have to give me, but wanted to. I decided to just try capturing the photo in my mind instead of on my camera (I knew the camera wouldn't do it justice anyways), so here is a picture from a while ago (father away than I was from the mountains) with the same idea.
Hmm...I just realized that I think I am over doing the thankful 30 journal, and am content with just an explanation and a picture =)
Hakuna Matata
Sunday, November 7, 2010
Days 6&7
Day six: I am thankful for a hot shower...did I already say that? Well I am reeeeally thankful for one of those! Okay okay, I'll choose something else. I am thankful for the new volunteers that came in yesterday from North Carolina. I wish I had a pic. of them to post, but really all you have to do is close your eyes and picture 6 beautiful daughter's of the Lord. Got it?! YAY! They really are so great. They are here for a week helping with the aftercare part of Freedom Firm called, Ruhama. I am super excited because unlike me, they are actually good at making jewelry. I would say I'm a rather artsy person, but not when it comes to jewelry making. Almost all of my designs I have come up with have been rejected...oh well, I tried, that counts for something right? Anyways, I have been blessed with being the person to show them around Ooty and all that jazz. It's been great, I've been getting some really good food and coffee and shopping out of this weekend thanks to them =) Not to mention super fellowship and new friendships. They really have a lot to offer and I truly thank God for sending them. Organization skills, jewelry making, card making, teaching skills, among many other small but important details they have brought to share. Phew, I got a feelin', woo-hoo, that this week's gonna be a good week!
Day 7: I think what I am thankful for right now kind of goes along with the team coming...a little. Since being here in Ooty I have been going to bed pretty early...like some nights 7:30, but usually around 10. Lately though sleep is one thing that has been lacking as I have been picking up some extra responsibilities. It's great and I am feeling useful and I would rather be doing more than less, but dang am I TIRED!!! So my day number 7 thankful 30 is simply the fact that sleep/rest is not my main source of energy, refueling, and refilling, but Jesus Christ is. Of course I need sleep and all and I don't think I should be foolish about it by staying up lolly-gaggin' (is that how you'd spell it?) around, but if I am serving Him and tired because I have poured out my energy in service and in time spent with Him, He is going to be my source of energy, refueling, and refilling, and for that I am so very thankful!
Day 7: I think what I am thankful for right now kind of goes along with the team coming...a little. Since being here in Ooty I have been going to bed pretty early...like some nights 7:30, but usually around 10. Lately though sleep is one thing that has been lacking as I have been picking up some extra responsibilities. It's great and I am feeling useful and I would rather be doing more than less, but dang am I TIRED!!! So my day number 7 thankful 30 is simply the fact that sleep/rest is not my main source of energy, refueling, and refilling, but Jesus Christ is. Of course I need sleep and all and I don't think I should be foolish about it by staying up lolly-gaggin' (is that how you'd spell it?) around, but if I am serving Him and tired because I have poured out my energy in service and in time spent with Him, He is going to be my source of energy, refueling, and refilling, and for that I am so very thankful!
Friday, November 5, 2010
I Can't Wait To See Them!
I had a different "Thankful 30" planned since yesterday. But as I was starting to write down what I was thankful for, I saw a picture of my sweet baby nephew, Levi, and then another picture of my other nephew, Kai, and felt a huge amount of thankfulness and love for them. Therefore, today, day 5, I am thankful for my nieces and nephews! =)
Kai: He is the oldest and an only child to my sissy, Alissa. He is one of a kind in the sweetest way possible (sweet as in "awww"). God definitely blessed us with a little boy full of heart and love for others. His awareness of others and giving spirit seems to come naturally (most of the time). He is so much fun and loves sports. He would always love coming to watch me play basketball in high school and after the game he would throw down a pretty nice game of (invisible) basketball himself. Love it!
Alaina: I don't think I could ever express the love I have for this little girl. Of course I love all of my nieces and nephews but Alaina's jolly, goofy spirit just gets me every time. Definitely the most cheerful person I know. I think the fact that she has cerebral palsy makes me even more amazed at her view on life. I love it! The fact that I cannot cuddle her sweet self right now brings tears to my eyes.
Addie: Oh.My.Man. Where to start with this little one? Maybe with the word, adorable! She just has that sweet little girl, "I am a princess" role. One of my favorites things is the fact that she loves art. I think almost every day she colors/draws at least one picture. I am excited to see her artistic ability grow. Although at times she chooses to be hurtful with her words, I have found that often she loves to make people feel special (with words, pictures, etc.). I love her face when you can tell she's trying not to smile (and of course I love it when she's smiling big too!).
Levi: I have no words. I love him so much. I never knew it was possible to love a baby who does pretty much nothing so much! I can't explain it but I would carry him around all day if I could. He is such a great baby too. Hardly ever cries unless he's hungry or dirty. Gotta love it. I am super sad that I'm missing these "baby months," but I am glad I have a wonderful sister who is kind enough to hold him in camera view each time we skype. =) (thanks Trish!)
I love them all so much! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful blessings you have given me...all four of them.
Hakuna Matata
Kai: He is the oldest and an only child to my sissy, Alissa. He is one of a kind in the sweetest way possible (sweet as in "awww"). God definitely blessed us with a little boy full of heart and love for others. His awareness of others and giving spirit seems to come naturally (most of the time). He is so much fun and loves sports. He would always love coming to watch me play basketball in high school and after the game he would throw down a pretty nice game of (invisible) basketball himself. Love it!
Alaina: I don't think I could ever express the love I have for this little girl. Of course I love all of my nieces and nephews but Alaina's jolly, goofy spirit just gets me every time. Definitely the most cheerful person I know. I think the fact that she has cerebral palsy makes me even more amazed at her view on life. I love it! The fact that I cannot cuddle her sweet self right now brings tears to my eyes.
Addie: Oh.My.Man. Where to start with this little one? Maybe with the word, adorable! She just has that sweet little girl, "I am a princess" role. One of my favorites things is the fact that she loves art. I think almost every day she colors/draws at least one picture. I am excited to see her artistic ability grow. Although at times she chooses to be hurtful with her words, I have found that often she loves to make people feel special (with words, pictures, etc.). I love her face when you can tell she's trying not to smile (and of course I love it when she's smiling big too!).
Levi: I have no words. I love him so much. I never knew it was possible to love a baby who does pretty much nothing so much! I can't explain it but I would carry him around all day if I could. He is such a great baby too. Hardly ever cries unless he's hungry or dirty. Gotta love it. I am super sad that I'm missing these "baby months," but I am glad I have a wonderful sister who is kind enough to hold him in camera view each time we skype. =) (thanks Trish!)
I love them all so much! Thank you Jesus for your wonderful blessings you have given me...all four of them.
Hakuna Matata
Thursday, November 4, 2010
We're Pretty Much Friends
Every morning I am faced with a decision. And almost every morning I make the same choice. The question I have to answer is simply this, "Do I leave 10-15 minutes early and walk all the way to the bus stop, or do I leave 10-15 minutes later and catch a rickshaw?"
Lately I have been thoroughly enjoying my mornings and so you can understand when I tell you that I have been taking an auto (rickshaw) so I can have 10 more minutes with God either reading, or worshiping. Valid right?...time spent with God. I think, yes! =)
When I ride in an auto to the bus stop I still have to walk about 10 or so minutes to the auto stand (unless an empty one passes me on the way there which I pray for EVERY morning). The autos are then lined up across the round-about and instead of walking over there myself, I have become quite fond of making eye contact with one of the drivers with a smile and a head nod.
This morning, however, there was no need for eye contact, or even a smile and head nod (but I smiled anyways). In fact, there was no need to even tell the driver my final destination, I only said a confident, "Thirty rupees?" and got in the auto. I could not help but laugh inside about the fact that I am now a "regular" in the auto world...we're pretty much friends. =)
And this, my friends, is what your typical auto rickshaw looks like...
Now onto me being thankful...
Day 4: I am thankful for the places I have been. God has blessed me so much already in the places He has allowed me to travel...most of them being specified for His glory (which I guess every place should be for His glory, right?). Kenya, India, Holland (don't be fooled, it's Holland, Michigan), Canada, inner city Philadelphia, West Virginia...oh how I love going to new places. Thank you Jesus and I can't wait to see where you will be taking me next. =)
Hakuna Matata
Lately I have been thoroughly enjoying my mornings and so you can understand when I tell you that I have been taking an auto (rickshaw) so I can have 10 more minutes with God either reading, or worshiping. Valid right?...time spent with God. I think, yes! =)
When I ride in an auto to the bus stop I still have to walk about 10 or so minutes to the auto stand (unless an empty one passes me on the way there which I pray for EVERY morning). The autos are then lined up across the round-about and instead of walking over there myself, I have become quite fond of making eye contact with one of the drivers with a smile and a head nod.
This morning, however, there was no need for eye contact, or even a smile and head nod (but I smiled anyways). In fact, there was no need to even tell the driver my final destination, I only said a confident, "Thirty rupees?" and got in the auto. I could not help but laugh inside about the fact that I am now a "regular" in the auto world...we're pretty much friends. =)
And this, my friends, is what your typical auto rickshaw looks like...
Now onto me being thankful...
Day 4: I am thankful for the places I have been. God has blessed me so much already in the places He has allowed me to travel...most of them being specified for His glory (which I guess every place should be for His glory, right?). Kenya, India, Holland (don't be fooled, it's Holland, Michigan), Canada, inner city Philadelphia, West Virginia...oh how I love going to new places. Thank you Jesus and I can't wait to see where you will be taking me next. =)
Hakuna Matata
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
Catching Up
I am a couple days late but am excited to join the "Thankful 30" from Janel's blog. =) I found out about this through Amber's blog and I just love this idea.
Day one: I am thankful for friends. On this day I was blessed enough to skype with a dear friend of mine. We chatted for over 3 hours but it felt like less. I love talking with her. A lot of our conversations are always about Jesus and either what He is doing is our lives, how we want to be more like Him and serve Him, or lifting each other up spiritually. It was great because we also just got to "hang out" it felt like. Kind of talking about nothing but not feeling like our convo. was lacking. I love it. I am super blessed with friends and I praise my Father for that!
Hakuna Matata!
A Day Worth Documenting
Twas indeed. A little over a week ago I just had the bomb day.
It was my off day (starting off great already) and I had an unexpected skype convo. with my dear friend, Katie.
During that skype call, Martin (a man who works here at the guest house) came inside with a nice big package with my name on it...literally. =) It was from my Momma and it only took one short week to arrive. Wow, two thumbs way up for India's air mail (this time at least)! Inside was complete with many goodies, including, but not limited to...skittles, a note from my sissy, a picture of a childhood friend, a stubby bottle of Sprite (America has stubby bottles, did you know?), and Cheetos. Dang girl!
Later in the day I made a nice little trip to the market to pick up some veggies and let me tell you...the market's a steal! I bought 8 bananas, 3 green peppers, 4 cucumbers, and 2 pineapples for a grand total of around $2.40. I likey. I also am going to feel totally ripped off when I go back to the states and buy one pineapple for $2.40! Sheesh! If only I could pack the market in my suitcase...
I probably am also going to feel so unimportant when I come back as well. When walking through the market I constantly hear, "Yes Madam?" "Yes Madam?" "Yes Madam?" And reply with, "Hi Sir." "No thank you, Sir." "So nice, Sir." It's great.
Last but not least, let me introduce to you my sweet dinosaur that travels the world with me like a faithful dinosaur does. It represents my friend, Katie (same friend I skyped with on this particular day). I bought two dinosaur key chains before I left for Kenya last year...one representing Katie (the one on my backpack), and the other representing me (that one is on her backpack!). When wearing my backpack and finding myself in a troublesome situation I like to remind myself, "Katie's got my back!" =) Anyways, Jurassic Park must be a popular film here in India because everywhere I go I hear, "Jurassic Park." At first I was unsure what people were talking about but it wasn't long until I caught on. The kind man selling me pineapple made that comment when I was at the market last. In fact, I have bought pineapple from him twice now and I do believe he said it both times. Maybe I'll go back to him soon and flash my dazzling dinosaur, seeing if he says it again. A little experiment.
What a packed day with so much fun stuff. I wouldn't mind another "day worth documenting" sometime soon (did ya hear that God?=)
Hakuna Matata
p.s. I also made banana bread this day!
It was my off day (starting off great already) and I had an unexpected skype convo. with my dear friend, Katie.
During that skype call, Martin (a man who works here at the guest house) came inside with a nice big package with my name on it...literally. =) It was from my Momma and it only took one short week to arrive. Wow, two thumbs way up for India's air mail (this time at least)! Inside was complete with many goodies, including, but not limited to...skittles, a note from my sissy, a picture of a childhood friend, a stubby bottle of Sprite (America has stubby bottles, did you know?), and Cheetos. Dang girl!
Later in the day I made a nice little trip to the market to pick up some veggies and let me tell you...the market's a steal! I bought 8 bananas, 3 green peppers, 4 cucumbers, and 2 pineapples for a grand total of around $2.40. I likey. I also am going to feel totally ripped off when I go back to the states and buy one pineapple for $2.40! Sheesh! If only I could pack the market in my suitcase...
I probably am also going to feel so unimportant when I come back as well. When walking through the market I constantly hear, "Yes Madam?" "Yes Madam?" "Yes Madam?" And reply with, "Hi Sir." "No thank you, Sir." "So nice, Sir." It's great.
Last but not least, let me introduce to you my sweet dinosaur that travels the world with me like a faithful dinosaur does. It represents my friend, Katie (same friend I skyped with on this particular day). I bought two dinosaur key chains before I left for Kenya last year...one representing Katie (the one on my backpack), and the other representing me (that one is on her backpack!). When wearing my backpack and finding myself in a troublesome situation I like to remind myself, "Katie's got my back!" =) Anyways, Jurassic Park must be a popular film here in India because everywhere I go I hear, "Jurassic Park." At first I was unsure what people were talking about but it wasn't long until I caught on. The kind man selling me pineapple made that comment when I was at the market last. In fact, I have bought pineapple from him twice now and I do believe he said it both times. Maybe I'll go back to him soon and flash my dazzling dinosaur, seeing if he says it again. A little experiment.
What a packed day with so much fun stuff. I wouldn't mind another "day worth documenting" sometime soon (did ya hear that God?=)
Hakuna Matata
p.s. I also made banana bread this day!
Monday, October 18, 2010
A Prayer
Oh God, You are my God,
And I will ever praise You.
I will seek you in the morning.
And I will learn to walk in Your ways.
And step by step You'll lead me,
And I will follow You all of my days.
Ahh these words make me rest and sing them up to our Lord. Especially the part that says, "I will learn to walk in Your ways." It doesn't say, "I will know instantly how to walk in Your ways." It's a learning process whether we like it or not. At times I wish I would just already know how to do so, but then again I find it comforting to be reminded that it is a learning process.
And I will ever praise You.
I will seek you in the morning.
And I will learn to walk in Your ways.
And step by step You'll lead me,
And I will follow You all of my days.
Ahh these words make me rest and sing them up to our Lord. Especially the part that says, "I will learn to walk in Your ways." It doesn't say, "I will know instantly how to walk in Your ways." It's a learning process whether we like it or not. At times I wish I would just already know how to do so, but then again I find it comforting to be reminded that it is a learning process.
Wednesday, October 13, 2010
"Lost Face of Somalia's War"
For those of you who know me personally and have heard a story or two about my adventures in Kenya, you may have heard me mention the boy from Somalia I met at the hospital who pretty much had no face, and literally a hole for a nose due to Somalia war violence. After looking up pictures of "Kijabe, Kenya," for fun on google I stumbled across this article and my first thought was, "I know him!" This is the story taken from msnbc.com about Ahmed, the boy I met from Somalia.
NAIROBI, Kenya — The bullet hit mother and son as they walked through Somalia's capital. She felt a sharp pain in her palm. Then she saw her 8-year-old: The bullet tore through his cheekbones, nose and mouth. Blood gushed down to his waist.
Two months later, Ahmed Mohamed Mohamoud's nose is a small hole. His mouth is always open because he has no upper lip and his right eye is gone. He can barely speak.
His is a lost face of Somalia's war.
Like so many other victims of a savage war, Ahmed was caught in the crossfire between Islamist insurgents and government forces, struck as he walked home from a Mogadishu market with his mother, who says a barrage of bullets poured out from the presidential palace.
Unlike Afghanistan and Iraq, there are few images of the bloodshed in Somalia, where thousands of children have been casualties without the world knowing. Most foreign journalists stay away because of the danger.
On Sept. 24, an Associated Press photographer was present after Ahmed was shot and took pictures of the boy, bleeding profusely as he was carried from the scene by two bystanders. During the weeks that followed, AP journalists kept tabs on Ahmed and his mother, who are still struggling with his grievous wounds.
"My heart bleeds whenever I recall his former face, whenever I compare the two faces," said Safi Mohamed Shidane as she inspected her son's scars at a hospital in neighboring Kenya, where Ahmed was flown for treatment after a Minnesota-based Somali immigrant group intervened.
"God will judge those who did this to my son," she said.
Heart-tugging story The lack of basic medical care, much less specialized doctors, has worsened the plight of children wounded in Somalia, a country mired in chaos since the last central government was ousted in 1991 and warlords turned their guns on each other.
"Ahmed's situation represents the crisis faced by many, many children in Somalia," said Katherine Grant, a child protection specialist with UNICEF who has visited the boy in the hospital outside Nairobi. Her agency will soon release a report accusing all parties in Somalia's conflict of recruiting child soldiers.
There are no reliable casualty figures for children in Somalia, according to Grant and Susannah Friedman, emergencies director for Somalia for Save the Children U.K.
"It is one of the most dangerous situations we've seen for children," said Friedman, whose agency has aid workers in southern and central Somalia, but has pulled out of Mogadishu.
Yet even in violence-plagued Somalia, where the U.N. says one child in 10 dies before his or her first birthday and only 30 percent of the population has access to clean drinking water, Ahmed's suffering tugged at heartstrings.
Doctors at Mogadishu's Medina Hospital did all they could: They inserted a tracheotomy tube for Ahmed to breathe and a feeding tube for nourishment. Doctors stitched together the horrific wounds to his face and wrapped it in thick layers of gauze.
But medical supplies — and expertise — are scarce in Somalia. When heavy fighting hits the seaside capital, tents go up at Medina to accommodate all the casualties. Inside, bloody footprints track down long corridors echoing with screams.
Face reconstruction at a cost
Appeals went out for help for Ahmed, including on Somali Web sites.
In late October, a Somali immigrant aid group, Healing the Children of Minnesota, had the boy flown to Kenya, where there are specialists and more advanced equipment. The Nigerian physician treating him there, Dr. Igohwo Etu, said the boy will need surgeries costing hundreds of thousands of dollars to reconstruct his face.
The Rochester, Minn.-based aid group is now trying to arrange treatment for Ahmed overseas and has contacted hospitals in the U.S., Britain, Italy and Mexico, its associate director, Abia Ali, said Monday.
The group, which is funded mainly by contributions from Somali immigrants, has helped 56 Somali war victims, mostly children, obtain medical care, according to its executive director, Abdi Gaal. These included two children treated at the Mayo Clinic and one at Fairview University in Minneapolis, Ali said.
Despite his uncertain future, Ahmed is a cheerful little boy who likes to play with a toy helicopter and spends time reading the Quran while lying in his hospital bed, his left eye twinkling as he scans the pages.
At the urging of his mother, he uttered a few words during a recent AP interview: "hooyo" — or "mother" in Somali — and his name.
But at other times the boy's spirits sink.
'Hard to be optimistic'
His mother consoled him and wiped away tears that streamed from the swollen spot where his right eye once was, even as another tear dropped from his good eye and rolled into the opening where his lips and nose once were.
"With the help of God, you will recover and go back to your school," his mother murmured, stroking her son.
Doctors had planned to remove Ahmed's feeding tube Monday, but delayed the procedure until Nov. 30. Shidane says she was told that American or Canadian doctors might operate on Ahmed after the new year, but isn't sure about future plans for her son.
Tens of thousands of Somalis have fled the fighting in Mogadishu, where gun battles occur daily and the Islamist insurgents hold public amputations and executions within shooting distance of the headquarters of the embattled government.
"Right now it's very hard to be optimistic that the situation will improve, let alone that the violence will end," said Chris Albin-Lackey, a researcher for Human Rights Watch. "In Mogadishu the situation is one of a bloody military stalemate. Neither side can gain the upper hand and the civilians are caught in between them."
I am thankful that I found this article because I have forgotten to pray for Ahmed. It's one of those things where the memory fades but the need is still there. He still needs prayer and he still needs Jesus Christ. I lift him up to you, Father. Allow him to look forward to the day where he is in Heaven with you and his face is restored anew.
Friday, October 8, 2010
Write On
Thursday morning was a sad one. That was the morning Christianna left. As we were standing outside at 6 am saying our goodbyes, I was handed an envelope. After Christianna left and we all went inside I looked at the envelope to find that my dear friend, Kristen had sent me a letter! This is the first letter I have received since being here. How perfectly does God work? I was super down because one friend had just left, and then my spirits were lifted because a friend a half a world away sent me a letter ten days before. It was great to hear from her. It reminds me how much God has blessed me and continues to bless me. In the letter she also put a picture of us from a mission trip to Mexico in 2008.
Below the picture you can see a dried flower. She also put that in there because I had mentioned before how I will miss the colors changing. With that she reminded me that, "The grass withers and the flowers fall, but the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8
She also brought up 2 Timothy 1:3-7. Dang girl, God is using you to impact my life big...even through a letter. 2 Timothy 1:7 was sort of a theme verse before I left and so many people shared it with me before I left. I had forgotten about the "spirit of power, of love, and of self-discipline" God has given me and I thank Him for using Kristen to remind me.
This was two nights before I left at my going away bon-fire. =)
I love you so much Kristen! Thank you for your encouragement and your beautiful friendship. You delight my life and I thank Jesus for blessing me with you.
Love, Sarah
"Beloved" Enter the Worship Circle
"Those who put their hope in you will never be turned away,
And those who place their trust in you will never be put to shame."
I was listening to some music just now when this song came on. It sent me back a little over a month ago. I was on a plane, heading to India. There were lots of emotions during that long flight from Chicago to New Delhi. At times I was perfectly at peace, knowing this is where God told me to go, while at other times I would hold back tears and ask myself, "What the heck am I doing?" That pretty much sums up my entire flight, well that and sleeping. Other than that, from time to time I was overcome by what was going to happen when I arrived at customs and was asked, "What are you doing in India? Who are you staying with? How do you know them?" and so on. You see I am on a tourist visa and that made it open for complications when I would say, "Yes it's a tourist visa, and yes I am volunteering with Freedom Firm." The two don't go together and I was told that early on, but was also told just continue with applying for a tourist visa. I would then start to think about the other questions they might ask me about who I'm staying with and whatnot, why was I nervous?...because I really didn't know how to answer that. "Uhh, I'm staying in a guest house...I know some people in India, but only through email?" I wasn't feel quite secure in my answers. As I was freaking out in my mind the song, "Beloved," bye Enter the Worship Circle came on my ipod. When I heard the sweet words, I was at peace.
"Those who put their hope in you will never be turned away,
And those who place their trust in you will never be put to shame."
"Well God," I thought, "It's time I put my hope and trust in you for this situation...You are much bigger than any situation that brings me fear."
It was such comfort and peace given from God, it was exactly what I needed.
We eventually landed in New Delhi, I got off the plane, and followed everybody else to customs. When it was my turn I stepped up to the Mr. Custom man, gave him my passport/visa, and the address and phone number of some missionaries here in India. After a few short moments he returned my papers and waved me on with not one. word. spoken. I laughed a little after I walked away because of the greatness of our God. I have been through customs a few different times in different countries and each time the questions I was expecting were asked. God is so good. He calmed my fears, gave me hope to trust in Him, and worked everything out for His glory. Praise be to God!
Hakuna Matata
Thursday, October 7, 2010
"I Speak Two Languages - American & English"
I have been feeling sick lately. Not because of the water, or the food I am not use to. Not because of the different climate or anything else that is typical. I feel this way because Christianna left for America today.
Christianna was one of the other volunteers with Freedom Firm. She was here since May and I praise God that I got to spend (exactly) one month with her! She had planned on leaving before I arrived in India but God had other plans and I am so glad He did.
Before I came to India I had heard a lot of great things about this girl. In my mind I was sort of like, "Sheesh what's so wonderful about her that everybody I talk to with Freedom Firm raves about her?" After the first time we met I figured it out. She is AMAZING. She is the kindest person ever, so personable and willing to do anything to help out. She isn't shy which equals a great, "Welcome to India" person. But more than that she become one of my best friends. I love how friendship seems to come so much more easily when God is the base. I learned a lot from her and ask God to be more like her.
I love you Christianna and I am praying for you right now as you are traveling home. Can't wait to see you in Chicago!
Hakuna Matata
Monday, October 4, 2010
My Eyes, Their Eyes
I lift my eyes up,
Unto the mountains,
Where does my help come from?
My help comes from You,
Maker of heaven,
Maker of heaven,
Creator of the earth.
Oh how I need You Lord,
You are my only hope,
You’re my only prayer.
So I will wait for You,
To come and rescue me,
Come and give me life.
Oh how I need You Lord,
You are my only hope,
You’re my only prayer.
So I will wait for You,
To come and rescue me,
Come and give me life.
We sang this song the other day with the rescued girls before starting school. Usually we start off the day with a Bible study, prayer, and a couple of worship songs, but usually all of that is in Hindi. On this specific day though, we sang "I Lift My Eyes Up," and we did so in English. As we were singing I had a bit of an awakening. I thought about what these lyrics mean for American Christians compared to what these lyrics mean for a third world Christian, or even more specific, the girls that were sitting right in front of me.
For an American Christian I can see it being, "I need you, Lord...I need you to answer me about which step to take next. I need you to give me grace when I mess up. I need you for some sort of physical comfort or pleasure." Don't get me wrong, these are legit prayers and God hears them just as much as the next prayer, but I'm sure that while asking God for help a lot of the "Western" plea tends to be a bit selfish (not all the time, but I can definitely see it happening quite a bit).
Then I think of the girls that I see everyday who were rescued out of the sex trade industry. What does it mean for them when they sing, "Oh how I need you Lord, you are my only hope, you are my only prayer. So I will wait for you, to come and rescue me, to come and give me life." Asking God for hope, realizing that He is the only prayer they have, waiting for Him to come and rescue them out of the Hell that they lived in. How different is that prayer from the prayer we lift up as we sing this song?
It breaks my heart for sure. It also makes me reevaluate my life as I bring myself before God, realizing that my "problems," may not really be something to get worked up about. Sure God hears my cry no matter how petty it may be, but again, it makes me think and if that's all it does, that's great.
Hakuna Matata
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Spiders, Beetles, & Mice, Oh My!
When I arrived here in India I settled into a nice little room upstairs in the guest house. I was told that bats have lived in that room before but it had been some time so I probably had nothing to worry about. About a week later I started hearing my little "friend" speak to me at night. I was not about to have the thing fly down and bite my face in the night so I took the kind offer of Christianna (one of the other volunteers here) and moved into her room downstairs.
Since I've been in my new room Christianna and I have encountered a nice big spider (who is now in Heaven), a wonderful beetle friend (we were kind enough to spare his life), and a mouse that I threw out of the house (but we're pretty sure he came back the very same night). Wow, maybe the bat making noises upstairs wasn't something to move out about! But nevertheless, it has been an adventure and I feel like I could now take on the world if ever need be.
Our spider friend just moments before his death.
This my friend may seems like just an ordinary Cheeto bag, but I must tell you that it is much more! We call this our "Indian mouse trap." Clearly mice like all types of cheese because this is where the mouse in our room was camping out. I kept hearing a crinkling noise as I tried to fall asleep a couple nights ago and finally I got up to check it out. I figured out that it was the mouse in the Cheeto bag, in the trash can. I debated for a little while weather I had the guts to grab the bag and throw it out or not and finally I manned up! I may or may not have screamed during the process but the point here is that I took care of business. As soon as I the bag hit the ground outside I saw the creature scurry away...only to come back and ruffle through another trash can later that night! Oh India.
Here below is a clip Christianna and I took the night we took care of the spider...I had it all under control despite what it may seem in the video. =)
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Hope When I Feel None
"...but the greatest of these is love." 1 Corinthians 13:13
We often hear a lot about love...which is understandable and wonderful.
"...if you have faith as small as a mustard seed..." Luke 17:6
Another subject often brought up, faith. Again, faith is something that should be brought up.
Another subject often brought up, faith. Again, faith is something that should be brought up.
"We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure..." Hebrews 6:19
Hope...ahh hope, why are my ears so unfamiliar with your sound?
The past few days God has really been pressing hope on my heart. It started Saturday night when I was feeling empty, broken, useless...hopeless. I decided to go to bed and listen to some music to maybe give me some comfort (through Jesus of course). Well I tell you God wanted me to listen to that music too. I listened to a song ("How Great" by Enter the Worship Circle) that I had heard many times before, and yet for some reason, I never really listened to it until that night. The words hit me, "Hope is not beyond the dust of Your feet, hope is not beyond the tears that You bleed, hope is not beyond the fold of Your robe..." The point was made, hope is not beyond my God. I felt hopeless, but that is a feeling, I cannot trust a feeling, but I can trust my God. It gave me comfort even though I still felt a sadness.
The next day I went to church here in Ooty and the sermon was ALL about hope (by the way, I love Jesus...He didn't have to do that for me, but He did out of His kindness).
[Hope in Greek]
pronunciation: el / pece'
1. Anticipate with pleasure.
2. Expectation that God and good are coming.
Hope is something that allows us to not give up or quit. I will admit that being here now for three weeks in India, I am feeling a little useless and disappointed in some areas. It's really easy to want to give up (or to give up). It's easy to say how pointless what I am doing is. It's easy to look at the negative. But hope gives a different light, God's giving me a different light. He's telling me to look up and to expect good to happen. He wants me to anticipate with pleasure because He has wonderful things for me and they're going to be even more wonderful if I wait with a servants heart and a God pleasing attitude...even when I don't feel like it. He tells me (us) in Jeremiah 29:11 that His plans are not to harm us but to give us a HOPE and a future. If He has promised to give me a hope and a future, then I will wait with hope for my future, and I will serve with hope right now.
Love motivates.
Hope expects.
Faith acts.
Love, hope, and faith are all so very important and they all go together. My prayer for my life in this time is that God will show me how to love others with His heart, being motivated to love and care even more. My prayer is that I will have faith enough to act upon what God has set in front of me...or even acting on something I may have to search for a little. My prayer is that I will have a hope that waits and expects in gladness for my God to show up and show off. A hope that may not necessarily be coming from happiness, but that is stirring up joy.
Hakuna Matata
Monday, September 13, 2010
Don't Judge Me
I just have to say that I love being able to not shower for three days, and wearing the same clothes two days in a row, and not having a single comment made about it.
Go India! =)
Saturday, September 11, 2010
Take A Looksee
Here are a few pictures I have snapped for ya'll.
On the (7ish hour) car ride to Ooty
Am I the only one who LOVES the clouds being so close?
Such a pretty view from the school
Some of Ooty
I love the symbols, and I thought this was great because one of my supporting churches back home is the Union Church =)
Such cuties!
Love it.
Well there is a little sneak preview into the past week of my life.
Love ya'll!
Hakuna Matata
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