I am a couple days late but am excited to join the "Thankful 30" from
Janel's blog. =) I found out about this through
Amber's blog and I just love this idea.
Day one: I am thankful for friends. On this day I was blessed enough to skype with a dear
friend of mine. We chatted for over 3 hours but it felt like less. I love talking with her. A lot of our conversations are always about Jesus and either what He is doing is our lives, how we want to be more like Him and serve Him, or lifting each other up spiritually. It was great because we also just got to "hang out" it felt like. Kind of talking about nothing but not feeling like our convo. was lacking. I love it. I am super blessed with friends and I praise my Father for that!

Day 2: I am thankful for JESUS! =) Self-explanatory? I think yes. But I will go on to say that this past week has been hard and draining in ministry. I love how good Jesus is though. He is so strong and takes great delight in filling me back up after a day of pouring myself out. He is wonderful. I have found massive comfort in Him many times and especially the past few days. I love that fact that He has already seen this month and all that it will hold for me. That brings me comfort a Father brings to His little girl. =) And that is exactly what has happened/is happening. Thank you Jesus for being all that I need and more. Help me when I think you are not enough for me...because you are more than enough for me and I don't deserve you.

Day 3: I am thankful for hot showers! Yes indeed I am. I have realized this more and more over the past weeks due to the fact that not all my showers here are hot...actually, not all my showers here are even warm or withstandable (yet somehow I withstand them)! I had the wonderful priviledge tonight of taking a shower that I actually had to add cold water to because it was burning me! =) Ahhh it was soooo nice. Yes, I am thankful for hot showers, very thankful.
Hakuna Matata!
I'm so glad you are playing along! All amazing things to be thankful for! God is so good. :]