"Why do you call me, 'Lord, Lord,' and not do what I tell you?" Luke 6:46
Such a reasonable question to ask. Why do we call on Him but in turn are so distant when it comes to following Him? Why do I cry out and then become picky when it comes to His answers? Is He not the Creator of the universe and all that it holds? Is He not full of wisdom, power and love? Did He not defeat death? Then why are we being an apprehensive people who proclaim His truths and yet fail to trust?
As I was reading through Luke chapter 6 tonight I stopped at the above verse and had no answer. At least, no good answer. Why do we call upon Him and not follow Him?...is it because we're scared He might not come through, that we'll end up hurt, or that His way really isn't the best decision? I know that personally in my life I have called out to God, and then doubted what I knew He was telling me. "Are you sure me going to India is what You want right now? I just got back from Kenya...I haven't even been to college yet. Nobody will ever support an uneducated, little girl who just continues to pick up and leave because she 'trusts this is what God is telling her to do'." But the truth in me traveling to India was He did tell me to go and He did use me and He taught me things I continue to learn from, things I will never forget. If I would have only cried out to Him for direction and then turned away when hearing His voice tell me India, I would not have experienced the things He intended, I would not have grown (and continue to grow) in the ways He intended. He has and is continuing to do great things because of my time in India and as I look back I am thankful I rejected my fleshly spirit of timidity and instead took on His overwhelming spirit of love, power, and self-control (2 Timothy 1:7).
My God is strong, my God is wisdom, my God is love. Why would I choose to not follow as He leads?
Hakuna Matata
I love you my dear sister, you're such a constant encouragement and i love the things He is teaching you. I cant wait to see you again!