Sunday, January 31, 2010

My Prayer

"'He makes His ministers a flame of fire.' Am I ignitable? God deliver me from the dread asbestos of 'other things.' Saturate me with the oil of the Spirit that I may be a flame. But flame is transient, often short-lived. Canst thou bear this, my soul-short life? In me there dwells the Spirit of the Great Short-Lived, whose zeal for God's house consumed Him. 'Make me Thy Fuel, Flame of God.'"

-Jim Elliot

This is my prayer

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Oh, How Beautiful

How gorgeous right?
These are some flowers I saw in Kenya...

For, "Everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved."
How then can they call on the one they have not believed in? And how can they believe in the one of whom they have not heard? And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written, "How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news."

Romans 10:13-15

How about that?
God thinks the feet of us who spread
His Word are beautiful...
even more beautiful than these
flowers of the earth,
for they will pass away.

Hakuna Matata

Friday, January 29, 2010

"Howa you?"

Yes, "Howa you?"
That is how the kids at our school in Kenya said, "How are you?"
So cute.
We of course had a lesson on how to say it correctly,
but it was cute for the time they said it wrong.

They also would say, "owa," for "our."
"This is owa school,"
they would say. =)

Most of them also think the word,
"years," is "ears."
So they say,
"I am 8 ears old."
"How many ears do you have?"
Once time my friend, Angie, answered 2.
That was a funny conversation.

Megan was the other teacher in the classroom
& she had a birthday while we were there.
One day while she was gone I had them write her birthday cards.
I showed them how to sign it,
"Love, 'Kevin,'"
"Love, 'Esther.'"
But instead they wrote,
"I love Kevin,'"
"I love Esther.'"

The boys are John, Stanly, & Joel.
(They clearly were fans of stickers)
Oh how I love & miss those faces!

Hukuna Matata

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Ring, Ring, Ring...


"Hi Sarah."

"Hi, Dad! How are you?"

"I am great, but a little saddened at the same time. That's why I'm calling."

"Well, what's up? Tell me."

"Remember on June 24, 2006, when you claimed your life not as your own, but as Mine?"

"Oh yes, when I decided to give my all to You. I remember."

"Yup, that would be it. Anyways, this isn't a special call I am making just to you, I am actually calling all of your brothers and sisters as well, sort of as a reminder. You say you remember, but you keep living that ordinary life, and to be honest, that kind of hurts me. Why do you say one thing, say you are giving up this world, this life, but still go on as nothing has changed at all? Or maybe you listen to more Christian music, tithe every once and a while, but really, what are you doing for Me that is sacrificial? I love you, and your siblings as well. I want the best for you, I want to see you truly LIVING life, but to do that you must die. You must die to self everyday. Not living for yourself, but for Me, to serve Me and My people. Think of your older sisters, Gladys Aylwards, Amy Carmichael, Jackie Pullengers, Sabina Wurmbrand, Elisabeth Elliot, & don't forget your brothers, Hudson Taylor, Richard Wurmbrand, Jim Elliot...they did great things for me, not holding back. And with doing so, do you think they hated life, had a terrible one, not ever pleased or satisfied? Not at all! They were the few who truly LIVED. They were the few who found their life by dying to self. I just wish that you would take your promise made to Me as seriously as your brothers and sisters did."

" I, I'm really sorry. I...I don't even know what to say..."

"Don't say anything. Act. Go. Do. LIVE. And remember, this isn't a special call I am giving to just is a call I am giving to all my children. It is a call for those who will hopefully, one day, recognize and obey the sacred call that I have placed upon those who claim to know Me.

And if for you, it's not today that you will die for Me, as once I have died for you, then I'll call again tomorrow, and the next day, and the day after that. You can count on it.

I love you, Sarah.


"Bye, Dad."

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Grace Like Rain

This is a blog two friends and I wrote while in Kenya...

Jambo and karibu (Hello and welcome) from Sarah 'Diesel' Denning, Stephanie 'Mama Reb' Rebis, and Jon 'The Bucket' Roberts. We speak on behalf of our ENTIRE team (whose nicknames we cannot all fit in here) as they all lie sleeping after a long day of spontaneous zebra, baboon, warthog, and gazelle encounters. As we are nearing the end of our first week here in Kijabe, we have already seen our mighty Father begin to work in the lives of our team and the village of Kijabe. Before we left for Kenya we were told that there was a great need for rain in Kijabe. There had been a drought for four months leaving food prices high and many people hungry. When we arrived, Pastor Simon, our host here, once again expressed the great need for rain. Our prayers and concerns were so numerous at first that we often forgot about the rain. Wednesday night our group came together with the intention of praying for rain, knowing that God would bless Kijabe when we were faithful in prayer. At the same time adjusting to Kijabe proved difficult for the team and we began to lose our focus and unity that we built at training camp. As we grew more faithful in our prayer we began to feel more aware of the lack of unity within our team. It was Friday night when we came together to discuss all that was building up inside. As the Holy Spirit moved within our group and began to reinforce the bonds of love that form our family, we heard a soft rattle on the tin roof. God proved Himself faithful once again by bringing our team closer together and blessing Kijabe with rain for the first time in four months. We all ran outside and began to praise God in the rain for His constant provision and everlasting love for His children. When we stopped to take it all in, we could hear the children at the nearby school also outside, rejoicing in the rain. It was a night we will not forget as God answered the prayers of our hearts and the cries of His people. God is sooo good...the rain has not stopped and we can hear it right now! Of course this means mosquitoes, but we are willing to deal with it. =)
Yesu Anakupenda, tutaonana!
(Jesus loves you, see ya later!)
A picture of the answer to our prayers...rain =)
Hakuna Matata

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

What's White & Green, & Red All Over?

It's ME, extremely sun burnt!

This is the result of lying out in the African sun for only 3 hours! If I did that in Michigan I might end up whiter than I was in the first place.

-Listen to your mother & apply that sunscreen
-Being closer to the sun means you WILL get burnt, & you will get burnt fast
-The positive thought, "At least it will turn into tan," does not apply, it will ALL peel off...leaving zero tan
-After it's done, it's done, so do yourself a favor and think before you tan (or burn in this case)
-Your friends who advised you to apply some sort of sun protection will not show signs of sympathy towards your agonizing pain

If you have read the above precautions, yet still plan on tanning in Africa for 3+ hours with no sunscreen, I would advise you do so when you have nothing planned for at least the next 3 days.
You will not be able to do the following without an immense pain all over:
-Any other activity that involves movement or your sense of feeling...which is everything.

And if by chance any of you don't listen and as a result end up like my can come to me even though I have pre-warned you. I will still have sympathy for you because I too have been there. But believe me when I say, "I TOLD YOU SO!"

Hakuna Matata

p.s. I was even more red the next times =)

Monday, January 25, 2010

Kenya Dig It?

This past fall (Sep.-Dec.) I spent my time in Kenya serving God and His people. =)
Let me give you a glimpse into our week...

Monday: This is my class I taught with my friend Megan. We would do lots of memory verses, Bible scavenger hunts, and writing. They are the best!

Tuesday: Our team would travel an hour in bus to a tribal village where we would walk from boma (hut) to boma doing house visits (talking about Jesus, praying, encouraging, etc.)

Wednesday: There was a hospital in Kijabe (the town we stayed) and we would visit the patients to encourage and pray with them. The last month I was able to work in their Dental Clinic. They had me doing so much hands on stuff it was crazy...not an experience that I would get in the US. This is my leader, Angie, she was nice enough to let me clean her teeth! =)

Thursday: This was our day off with every other week being communication day. On that day we would travel to Nairobi to email family & friends. On the non-communication days we would hang out with the locals.

Friday: Walking an hour through the woods in skirts and flip-flops to Old Kijabe Town was our Friday. Once we arrived we would teach at more schools or do more house visits. The kids there don't have as much hair so they LOVE to pet white people (and I love to be pet). =)

Saturday: Either doing house visits in Kijabe, or going down to the Great Rift Valley where we would visit IDP Camps (Internally Displaced People). These people have been living in tents for the past 2 years, most of them with no jobs. Our team was able to bring them food, encouragement for the adults, and fun & games for the kids.

Kibera Slum: Our last week in Kenya we visited Kibera; Africa's second largest slum. It was so crazy the amount of people living there. Very eye opening for our group.

Baby Orphanage: Our last week we also visited a baby orphanage where our duty was to strictly love the kids! What an amazing job description.

Going to Kenya was such an incredible experience that I will never forget! From that trip I have changed a couple different things about my thinking, my relationship with Christ, and more. It's a change I truly love and thank God for as well. I also KNOW that I not only want to be a missionary overseas, but that that is what God made me for. It's the best feeling ever. =) I will be posting some of my journal entries from Kenya as I go (I journaled everyday!). Until next time...

Hakuna Matata

Sunday, January 24, 2010

How Very Nice to Meet You

Hello, my name is Sarah. Pleased to meet you! Should I share a bit about myself?

I am a graduate of a small town school in Michigan where I have lived all my life.

I have a great family and I love them all.

More than the love I have for my family is the love I have for my Creator.

I am slowly but surely giving my life to Him more and more each and everyday and I LOVE it so.

Instead of college I went to Africa for 3 months.

I am now a nanny for my sissy until she births a dawgone baby.

I want to live somewhere in Asia.

I enjoy coffee a little too much.

I cannot wait for summer.

Reading has been a big part of my life lately.

I'm not that fond of cooking, but I really love baking almost anything.

My favorite verses are:
Jeremiah 33:3
Revelations 2:10
Romans 10:13-15

I have caught the travel bug and want to go everywhere now.

The Bahamas

The Philippines
Papua New Guinea
Costa Rico
Czech Republic

Hmm...I think that is about enough for now. Thanks for stopping by and I can't wait to see you again.

Hakuna Matata

P.S. That is not a chicken nugget in my picture, it is a maandazi..pretty much the Kenyan doughnut. =)