It's ME, extremely sun burnt!
This is the result of lying out in the African sun for only 3 hours! If I did that in Michigan I might end up whiter than I was in the first place.
-Listen to your mother & apply that sunscreen
-Being closer to the sun means you WILL get burnt, & you will get burnt fast
-The positive thought, "At least it will turn into tan," does not apply, it will ALL peel off...leaving zero tan
-After it's done, it's done, so do yourself a favor and think before you tan (or burn in this case)
-Your friends who advised you to apply some sort of sun protection will not show signs of sympathy towards your agonizing pain
If you have read the above precautions, yet still plan on tanning in Africa for 3+ hours with no sunscreen, I would advise you do so when you have nothing planned for at least the next 3 days.
You will not be able to do the following without an immense pain all over:
-Any other activity that involves movement or your sense of feeling...which is everything.
And if by chance any of you don't listen and as a result end up like my picture...you can come to me even though I have pre-warned you. I will still have sympathy for you because I too have been there. But believe me when I say, "I TOLD YOU SO!"
Hakuna Matata
p.s. I was even more red the next day..fun times =)