Kenya Dig It?
This past fall (Sep.-Dec.) I spent my time in Kenya serving God and His people. =)
Let me give you a glimpse into our week...
Monday: This is my class I taught with my friend Megan. We would do lots of memory verses, Bible scavenger hunts, and writing. They are the best!
Our team would travel an hour in bus to a tribal village where we would walk from boma (hut) to boma doing house visits (talking about Jesus, praying, encouraging, etc.)
Wednesday: There was a hospital in Kijabe (the town we stayed) and we would visit the patients to encourage and pray with them. The last month I was able to work in their Dental Clinic. They had me doing so much hands on stuff it was crazy...not an experience that I would get in the US. This is my leader, Angie, she was nice enough to let me clean her teeth! =)
Thursday: This was our day off with every other week being communication day. On that day we would travel to Nairobi to email family & friends. On the non-communication days we would hang out with the locals.
Friday: Walking an hour through the woods in skirts and flip-flops to Old Kijabe Town was our Friday. Once we arrived we would teach at more schools or do more house visits. The kids there don't have as much hair so they LOVE to pet white people (and I love to be pet). =)
Saturday: Either doing house visits in Kijabe, or going down to the Great Rift Valley where we would visit IDP Camps (Internally Displaced People). These people have been living in tents for the past 2 years, most of them with no jobs. Our team was able to bring them food, encouragement for the adults, and fun & games for the kids.
Kibera Slum: Our last week in Kenya we visited Kibera; Africa's second largest slum. It was so crazy the amount of people living there. Very eye opening for our group.
Baby Orphanage: Our last week we also visited a baby orphanage where our duty was to strictly love the kids! What an amazing job description.
Going to Kenya was such an incredible experience that I will never forget! From that trip I have changed a couple different things about my thinking, my relationship with Christ, and more. It's a change I truly love and thank God for as well. I also KNOW that I not only want to be a missionary overseas, but that that is what God made me for. It's the best feeling ever. =) I will be posting some of my journal entries from Kenya as I go (I journaled everyday!). Until next time...
Hakuna Matata
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