Lately I have been thinking and praying, more than often, about the people/country God will one day send me to. Last week I kept asking Him to give me an enormous, deep love for a specific people group (i.e. Cambodians, Kenyans, Muslims, etc.). A love that will be undeniable, a love that keeps me thinking about them throughout the day, and dreaming about them at night. I was praying for this a lot, and still don't think it's a bad idea, but Sunday afternoon I heard something that really got me thinking.
"Do you want to go the Philippines (or whatever country), because you love the people, Or because God told you to?"
I had never thought about it in this way but I really like it. I don't want to go somewhere because I love the people, but because my Savior has told me to. There are SO many different people groups out there that I could love, but God has a specific group he wants me to reach (maybe even more than one), and I want to go THERE! Plus, I am sure that whatever group of people God sends me to, I will, sooner or later, fall in love with them.
It's the same as if I loved a man. I believe there are lots of guys out there that I could love, be happy with, and even marry. But I also believe that if God is planning for me to be married at all someday, He has the perfect man already chosen for me, and I want HIM! I don't want to settle, even if it could be a great relationship. God has my best interest at mind, so why not trust in Him?
With this I am reminded of another quote from K.P. Yohannaman's book, "Revelations in World Missions."
"The secret to following God's will is rejecting the good for God's best."
All in all, I want to be where I am because my Lord and Father has brought me there. I want to do what I am doing because my Savior has planned it since the beginning of time. And I want to reach the people that Jesus, himself, has chosen for me.
I want and desire His will for my life above all else, and I pray that this will never leave, but only increase.

Hakuna Matata
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