Well there are quite a few people from Kenya who do this often. How you ask?...They are on the other side of the world!
Tis true. Ahh but that blessed device we like to call the cellular has hit pretty much the ENTIRE WORLD! In fact, even while we were in the remote tribal villages, we saw a couple of Maasi's pull out a handy-dandy cell phone and start chatting it up. Weird I tell you.
But nevertheless, I love to talk with them for a couple of precious minutes.
I got a call today in fact.
And yesterday I had two!
Sometimes the call doesn't always make it through, but I love to listen to the voice mails that are left.
It is the best when I can tell there is an incoming call from Africa! And I feel quite important saying, "Oh I gotta take this one, it's Africa."
Like I said, it just makes my day.

Hakuna Matata
So cool!! Awesome!