"Long, long, ago..."
still nothing
"In a land far, far, away..."
there it is, it's music to my ears...
What is this beautiful sound you may find yourself asking?
Why it's nothing short of my sweet niece Alaina peeing in the potty.
Yes, as soon as her tush hits the seat, we hear,
"Tell me a story."
Usually I go in the above format you just read.
I start with,
"Once upon a time..."
if there is nothing I move to,
"Long, long, ago..."
still nothing?
"In a land far, far, away."
There must be magic in those words because it works just about every time.
Since I have moved in and taken the nanny roll,
she is no longer in search of a typical, "princess get's saved by knight on horse," kind of story. No sir, instead I hear,
"Tell me an African story."
I think this really is helping my creative mind, you know, coming up with a couple of interesting, potty pleasing stories each day, I should say thank you to the little dear for keeping my imagination going.
Maybe some day I will, but for now I'll keep it at,
"And they lived happily ever after.
(Kai & Alaina all dressed up in their presents I brought them from Kenya the night I came home)
Hakuna Matata
"Long, long, ago..."
still nothing
"In a land far, far, away..."
there it is, it's music to my ears...
What is this beautiful sound you may find yourself asking?
Why it's nothing short of my sweet niece Alaina peeing in the potty.
Yes, as soon as her tush hits the seat, we hear,
"Tell me a story."
Usually I go in the above format you just read.
I start with,
"Once upon a time..."
if there is nothing I move to,
"Long, long, ago..."
still nothing?
"In a land far, far, away."
There must be magic in those words because it works just about every time.
Since I have moved in and taken the nanny roll,
she is no longer in search of a typical, "princess get's saved by knight on horse," kind of story. No sir, instead I hear,
"Tell me an African story."
I think this really is helping my creative mind, you know, coming up with a couple of interesting, potty pleasing stories each day, I should say thank you to the little dear for keeping my imagination going.
Maybe some day I will, but for now I'll keep it at,
"And they lived happily ever after.

Hakuna Matata
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